[FUN_Mail] Videos from Lawrence & Kuypers

Cleland, Corey Lee - clelancl clelancl at jmu.edu
Wed Apr 24 17:59:37 EDT 2013

All -

For anyone teaching the role of the motor cortex in the control of movement, a fantastic new resource is available.

Kuypers and Lawrence back around 1968 published lesion studies that pretty much defined the relative contributions of corticospinal, lateral and medial pathways; distinctions that still hold up today. Their data revolved largely around video of monkeys with different lesions. Those videos are now available in supplemental material for an article in Brain.


I have been checking Youtube/Google literally every two years or so with the hope they were available. Finally it paid off.



Corey Cleland Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
James Madison University
(434) 284-0543 phone
(434) 568-3333 FAX
clelancl at jmu.edu

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