[FUN_Mail] AIBS Action Alert Forwarded by the FUN Public Policy and Governmental Affairs Committee

Ramirez, Julio juramirez at davidson.edu
Mon Oct 7 14:36:40 EDT 2013

Action Alert: Urge Your Elected Officials to Fund the Government

Because Congress and the President have yet to reach an agreement that will fund the federal government after midnight on 30 September 2013, many government employees were furloughed beginning 1 October. Moreover, many government services, such as grant and contract administration at NSF and other funding agencies, also effectively stopped on 1 October.

Please take a moment to urge your federal elected officials to do their job. It is time for our elected officials to stop holding press conferences and passing pointless legislation. It is time for Congress to start governing and pass legislation that funds the federal government.

Take action at http://capwiz.com/aibs/issues/alert/?alertid=62950966<http://aibs.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a2886d199362c2554974f78af&id=ffadee0552&e=5c86ee0912>.

Julio J. Ramirez, Ph.D.
R. Stuart Dickson Professor
Director, Neuroscience Program
Co-Director, Neuroscience Scholars Program,
            Society for Neuroscience
Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience
Department of Psychology
Watson Building, Room 202
Box 7017
Davidson College
Davidson, North Carolina 28035-7017

V: 704-894-2888
F: 704-894-2512

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but 'That's funny..."
― Isaac Asimov

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