[FUN_Mail] 2013 SfN Teaching Workshop

Richard Olivo rolivo at smith.edu
Fri Oct 25 14:52:40 EDT 2013

As you plan your time at this year's SfN annual meeting, please consider
attending the professional development workshop on teaching neuroscience:

*Are Printed Textbooks Obsolete?*
*Monday, November 11, 9:00 - 11:00 AM, Room 31C*

A description, schedule, and links to resources are online at
tinyurl.com/sfn-pdw, along with materials from previous years' workshops.
This year's workshop schedule (which is not given in detail in the SfN
program) is:

*9:00    Academic publishing in the digital age.*
Bob Prior
Executive Editor
The MIT Press

*9:10    Textbooks in multiple formats: what do students choose?*
Sydney Carroll
Neuroscience/Psychology Editor
Sinauer Associates, Inc.

*9:35    An open-access online textbook for neuroscience.*
John Byrne, PhD
June and Virgil Waggoner Chair
Chairman, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
The University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Resource: Neuroscience Online: an electronic textbook for the

*10:00    Electronic textbooks: why the rush?*
David B. Daniel, PhD
Professor of Psychology
James Madison University
Resource: Electronic Textbooks: Why the
- Science, 30 March 2012]

*10:25    Are MOOCs tomorrow's textbooks?*
Leonard E White, PhD
Director of Education
Institute for Brain Sciences
Duke University
Resource: Coursera: Medical

*10:50    Video guides to readings.*
Richard Olivo, PhD (workshop organizer)
Professor of Biological Sciences and Neuroscience, Smith College
Project Director, Educational Resources in Neuroscience
Society for Neuroscience
Resource: Bridging the Old and New: Video Guides to Assigned
Review, 15 December 2011]

I hope to see you there!

best wishes,
Richard Olivo

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