[FUN_Mail] Neuroscience enrollment

Judith Ogilvie via FUN_Mail fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Wed Dec 10 16:11:35 EST 2014

Hi all -
Our interdisciplinary Neuroscience major became official this year at Saint
Louis University. We are trying to plan and I hope this group can provide
some baseline info. Specifically, if you have a separate Neuroscience
major, can you tell me (1) the proportion of
Biology:Psychology:Neuroscience majors, (2) any estimate of how this number
has changed over time from when your program started (include approximate
dates please), (3) is Neuro a separate department or is it an
interdisciplinary major, (4) any info on your student body that will help
provide insight into possible comparisons - ours is a 4-year PhD granting
institution with a strong premed program, approximately 2500 UG in A&S,
Biology:Psychology:Neuroscience = 600:300:??. It would be helpful to know
if this is similar or very different from your institution.

I remember a recent question about how enrollment in a neuroscience major
increased over time from inception of the program, but I can't find
responses to that inquiry and my question is a bit different. Vague
estimates are more helpful than nothing if you don't have time to look it
up. You can reply to the list serve or email me directly at ogilviej at slu.edu
Thanks in advance,
Judy Ogilvie

Judith Mosinger Ogilvie, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Co-Director, Neuroscience Program

Department of Biology
Saint Louis University
3507 Laclede Ave.
St. Louis, MO  63103
email:      ogilviej at slu.edu
Phone:     314-977-3965
Fax:         314-977-3658

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