[FUN_Mail] FUN Travel Award Deadline Approaches!!

Jeffrey Smith jsmith12 at svsu.edu
Tue May 13 09:23:16 EDT 2014

Hello Friends!

Just  a brief message to remind you all that the deadline for the 2014 travel award competition is approaching (Friday, May 16, 2014) . The award offers aid for expenses associated with attending the Society for Neuroscience 2014 meeting for an undergraduate student who is presenting a poster at the main SfN meeting. All student award travel award applications must have a faculty sponsor who is a dues-paying member of FUN.

The student should be an author on the abstract and present research results from studies conducted while an undergraduate.  It is not necessary that the student be enrolled as an undergraduate at the time of the SfN fall meeting.  Students are eligible if the work was done as a graduating senior the previous year.

If you have any questions at all, contact Lisa Gabel, Chair of the Travel Awards Committee (gabell at lafayette.edu).


Jeff Smith
President, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
The Malcolm and Lois Field Endowed Chair in Health Sciences
Saginaw Valley State University

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