[FUN_Mail] CrawFly June workshop

Calin-Jageman, Robert rcalinjageman at dom.edu
Sun May 25 10:11:51 EDT 2014

Hi FUN people,
We have an opening for 1 neuroscience educator in our CrawFly Workshop coming up June 19 to 24.  One of the registrants dropped out and the wait list people now have other plans.  If you are interested, contact me or Wes Colgan (<w.colgan at adinstruments.com<mailto:w.colgan at adinstruments.com>>​) from ADInstruments and/or add your name on the wait list at this web site:  http://go.adinstruments.com/e/21302/ourse-registration-10157596645/8hk2r/91387118.   ADInstruments will  contact you to finalize your seat. There may be housing available to help defray expenses.  It's a beautiful time to be in Ithaca!

best wishes,

Bruce R. Johnson, Ph.D.
Dept of  Neurobiology and Behavior
Mudd Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Office: 1134 Comstock Hall; Ph: 607-254-4323

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