[FUN_Mail] Carol Ann Paul

Jeffrey Smith via FUN_Mail fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Mon Nov 10 22:35:32 EST 2014

Dear FUN friends,

It is with a sad heart that I share the news that longtime FUN member Carol Ann Paul passed away on October 23. She was a member of the Wellesley College community from 1983-2010 and was one the founding members of the Wellesley Neuroscience program. She was a dedicated teacher and worked diligently, developing learning materials to help students learn how to do science, not just perform labs. 

Personally, early in my career it was her lab manual (co-edited with Barbara Beltz and Joanne Berger-Sweeny) “Discovering Neurons: The Experimental Basis of Neuroscience” which inspired me to think about new ways to teach complex topics in the neuroscience through experiential learning approaches. Her work affected many and her efforts were recognized by our organization when we awarded Carol Ann the FUN Educator of the Year in 2001 (along with Bruce Johnson and Joanne Berger-Sweeny). Carol Ann also served on the editorial board of the Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education and as an officer/counselor for FUN. 

Earlier this Fall, the FUN awards committee received a wonderful letter of nomination from the Neuroscience faculty at Wellesley College and, based on that letter, we decided to award Carol Ann Paul with the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience’s Lifetime Achievement Award, which will present posthumously at this year’s FUN social. 

For more information: 
Wellesley College Department of Neuroscience: http://www.wellesley.edu/neuroscience
Boston Globe Obituary: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/bostonglobe/obituary.aspx?pid=172961092

Our deepest sympathy and thoughts go out to the family, friends, and colleagues as we mourn the loss of our friend, Carol Ann Paul. 


Jeffrey S. Smith, Ph.D. 
President, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 
The Malcolm and Lois Field Endowed Chair in Health Sciences 
Department of Health Sciences 
Crystal M. Lange College of Health & Human Services 
Saginaw Valley State University 
7400 Bay Road 
University Center, MI 48710 

web: http://www.svsu.edu/~jsmith12 
email: jsmith12 at svsu.edu 
Office phone: 989.964.4503 
Laboratory phone: 989.964.4553 
Cell phone: 971.678.5022 
Fax: 989.964.4925 

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