[FUN_Mail] 2015 FUN - Charleston Summer Neuroscience Seminar in Germany

Korey, Christopher A via FUN_Mail fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Sun Sep 14 20:30:38 EDT 2014

Dear FUN Members,

We are pleased to announce the 2015 Summer Neuroscience Seminar in Germany.  This summer study abroad program is sponsored by FUN and run through the College of Charleston’s Center for International Education. It is open to all students interested in Neuroscience.  We have a website that outlines the course, how to apply, and the cost: http://blogs.cofc.edu/germanneuro/

Please share this information with your students that are majoring, minoring, or just interested in Neuroscience.


Chris Korey and Mike Ruscio

Christopher Korey, Ph.D.| Director, First Year Experience
New Student Programs | College of Charleston
Associate Professor | Biology Department
Office: New Student Programs, Room 187
Mailing Address: 66 George Street | Charleston SC 29424
Phone: 843-953-7178<tel:843-953-7178>
Twitter: @neurofly

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