[FUN_Mail] Question about overlap in courses for a neuroscience major
David J Bauer via FUN_Mail
fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Tue Sep 23 10:11:43 EDT 2014
We had a similar problem at Viterbo when our Biopsychology major was created. At that time the only neuroscience-related courses were upper-level and our psychology majors (50% of the students) had a very difficult time with the material and seriously lagged behind the BIOP and BIOL majors. This resulted in a simplification of the material such that the course was upper-level in name but lower-level in content... not optimal.
Ultimately we created a lower-level intro/lab course that serves as a prerequisite for our upper-level offerings and fulfills the "biological basis of behavior" requirement for the PSYC majors. This has worked very well for us although the trade-off is fewer students in the upper-level courses because these are not required for PSYC majors. However, the students in the upper-level courses are now guaranteed to have received introductory education and are much more prepared for the challenges of 300- and 400-level coursework.
Best of luck!
David J. Bauer, Ph.D.
Viterbo University
djbauer at viterbo.edu
-----Original Message-----
From: FUN_Mail [mailto:fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org] On Behalf Of Susan Kennedy via FUN_Mail
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:00 AM
To: Lorig, Tyler
Cc: fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Subject: Re: [FUN_Mail] Question about overlap in courses for a neuroscience major
Same issues here at Denison, where Neuroscience is a "concentration" (not a major, more than a minor). For example, there is (necessarily?) some overlap between our Introductory Neuroscience (Neur 200; an overview course covering the basics--first seven chapters in Bear's book) course and my 300-level Biological Psychology course. We had some issues a few years back with students who enrolled in BioPsych prior to N200 (couldn't be helped; scheduling demands); since then, we have worked hard to make certain that students take these courses in their proper and logical sequence.
I will say, however, that overlap is not necessarily a bad thing.
Neuroanatomy, in my view, is something students NEED to hear in different contexts, more than once, in different courses.
This is an interesting and important discussion, and I look forward to hearing from others!!
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Lorig, Tyler via FUN_Mail < fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org> wrote:
> Hello Rick!
> We have been doing this quite a while at W&L and also have a great
> deal of overlap...As long as the courses serve multiple curricula, I
> don't think there is a way around having more overlap than
> needed...You can improve the situation by putting all the neuroscience
> program faculty in a room and discussing the lecture schedule in
> required courses and asking if anyone else is covering that info...If
> one faculty member knows the info is being covered elsewhere, it may
> free them up to reduce the time on that topic or change their
> approach. For us, the overlap is action potentials...everyone covers this a little but there is really only one required course where
> students get a lot of depth. We are willing to let this stand because the
> redundancy only lasts a couple of days in class and isn't a bad
> reminder...We also use very different approaches to teaching the same
> info and those perspectives are, I think, good for the students to see.
> All the best to you and your colleagues at Hendrix!
> Tyler
> -------------------------------------
> Tyler S. Lorig, Ph.D.
> Ruth Parmly Professor and
> Chair, Neuroscience Program
> Washington and Lee University
> On Sep 22, 2014, at 2:42 PM, Murray, Rick via FUN_Mail <
> fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>>
> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We are in the process of developing an interdisciplinary neuroscience
> major here at Hendrix College and we are faced with a problem of too
> much overlap in content in our core courses. Since we are a program
> and not a department, all of our faculty and most of our courses have
> homes in different departments (biology, psychology, philosophy
> etc...). Due to limited resources we plan to use many of these
> existing courses in our major (eg. Cellular and Molecular
> neurobiology, behavioral neuroscience etc...), but that means that the
> courses will serve two masters. Once the major is introduced, these
> courses will be populated with a combination of neuroscience majors
> and also majors from our home departments. Neuroscience majors will
> know basic neuroscience concepts from our intro course but majors from
> our home departments will not. That means that each course will have
> to introduce basic concepts for non-neuroscience majors but the neuroscience majors will hear this material in 4 or 5 different courses.
> Unfortunately we can't make the introductory neuro course a
> prerequisite for the others or we'll essentially be preventing our
> non-neuroscience majors from taking it (they won't have room in their
> schedule for both courses). We suspect that others may have faced this
> problem and would like to ask; how did you deal with it?
> Rick
> Richard Murray
> Chair, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program Chair, Neuroscience
> Program Judy and Randy Wilbourn Odyssey Associate Professor of Biology
> Hendrix College
> 1600 Washington Ave
> Conway, AR 72032
> Phone: 501-450-4588
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Susan Kennedy-Davis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology Neuroscience Concentration Coordinator Denison University Granville, OH 43023 MAILMAN_MIMEDEFANG WRAP _______________________________________________
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