[FUN_Mail] Call for FUN Officers!

Jennifer Willford via FUN_Mail fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Mon Jul 27 09:17:23 EDT 2015

Dr. Willford will be out of the office until August 12. During this time, she will have limited access to phone and email but will reply as able. Thank you for your patience. 

On Jul 26, 2015, at 3:40 PM, FUN <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org> wrote:

> Good day all,
> Interested in running for a FUN office?  How can you pass up an offer like that — being a FUN Officer — a purveyor of all that is joyful and good (we have such good name to play with)?  And, if elected you get a ribbon to wear on your SfN name tag that says "FUN Officer", which draws lots of interested SfN attendees to ask about your ultimate level of coolness!
> Do you know that FUN has over 400 members from large universities to small colleges?  Do you know that each year FUN sponsors over two dozen students to travel to SfN with an award of $750 (http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/travel_award_app)?  Do you know that FUN partners with 5 different vendors to offer 2-year equipment loans to its members (http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/Equipment_Loan)?  Do you know that FUN partners with SfN to award the Brain Awareness Week travel award (http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/BrainAwarenessTravelAward)?  Do you know that FUN sponsors a summer education conference, and the next one is at Dominican University, outside of Chicago, in 2018?
> Find any of those topics interesting?  Have other ideas about how to further the mission of supporting undergraduates, and their faculty, in Neuroscience coursework and research? Then run for an office!
> Know someone else who values those topics, nominate a colleague!  (but, you might want to ask first…)
> The success and growth of our organization and these programs depends on the participation of our membership, especially in leadership roles. We need energetic people who have participated in and benefited from these programs, and understand or want to learn about the importance of FUN's role in undergraduate education.
> This year we have 5 positions to fill: President-Elect, Secretary and 3 Councilors (complete descriptions of position responsibilities can be found at http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/bylaws.
> Responsibilities of the President-Elect include Chairing the Travel Awards Committee and Election Committee.
> Responsibilities of the Secretary (two-year term) include keeping and maintaining a record of FUN committee activities including reports and proceedings of the organization.
> Responsibilities of Councilors (two-year term) includes serving on FUN committees and aiding in all activities required to support the FUN mission.
> Ideal candidates for any of these positions are invested in the success of the organization and committed to a collaborative system of governance. The work is engaging and at the heart of what we all try so hard to do well!
> Nominations (included self-nominations) can be sent to the current President-Elect, Amy Jo Stavnezer (ajstavnezer at wooster.edu<mailto:ajstavnezer at wooster.edu>). Please send any questions about these positions to Amy Jo or any member of the Executive Committee! The window for nominations ends soon – August 16, 2015.
> Since I have your attention…
> 1. FUN is also accepting nominations for Faculty Awards (http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/node/455).  We annually recognize members who have made outstanding contributions to undergraduate neuroscience, at the FUN Social and Poster Session at SfN. Think a colleague has done something great?  Let Jeff Smith (current Past-President) know at jsmith12 at svsu.edu<mailto:jsmith12 at svsu.edu>.
> 2.  FUN is also accepting application for the Faculty Equipment Loan Program (http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/Equipment_Loan).  Want to try a new technique?  Collect some pilot data?  Look into this program.
> I hope to hear from many of you soon!
> Best,
> Amy Jo
> ***************************
> Amy Jo Stavnezer
> Associate Professor of Psychology
> Chair, Program in Neuroscience
> College of Wooster
> 330-263-2215
> President-Elect, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (www.funfaculty.org<http://www.funfaculty.org>)
> Editorial Board, Journal for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (www.funjournal.org<http://www.funjournal.org>)
> http://amyjostavnezer.voices.wooster.edu/biography/
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