[FUN_Mail] 2015 Equipment Loan Program Call for Proposals

Jeffrey Smith via FUN_Mail fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Tue May 26 12:10:46 EDT 2015

FUN is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for the 2015 Equipment Loan Program.  Through generous donations from Data Sciences International (DSI), Kinder Scientific, Nikon Microscopy, Noldus Information Technology, and San Diego Instruments we are now accepting applications for proposals requesting a loan of equipment for research and/or teaching for FUN members.  A complete list of equipment available can be found at http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/Equipment_Loan

Deadline for proposals will be October 1st, 2015. If you have any questions feel free to contact Dr. Jeffrey Smith (at jsmith12 at svsu.edu).

Best to all,

Jeffrey S. Smith, Ph.D. 
Past-President, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 
The Malcolm and Lois Field Endowed Chair in Health Sciences 
Department of Health Sciences 
Crystal M. Lange College of Health & Human Services 
Saginaw Valley State University 
7400 Bay Road 
University Center, MI 48710 

web: http://www.svsu.edu/~jsmith12 
email: jsmith12 at svsu.edu 
Office phone: 989.964.4503 
Laboratory phone: 989.964.4553 
Cell phone: 971.678.5022 
Fax: 989.964.4925 

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