[FUN_Mail] Brain Awareness Travel Award

Gabel, Lisa via FUN_Mail fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Thu May 28 04:39:09 EDT 2015

Dear FUN members: 

We welcome dues-paying members of the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN) to sponsor nominees for the Brain Awareness (BA) Travel Award Program. The award offers aid for expenses ($750 + complimentary registration for the meeting ) associated with attending the Society for Neuroscience 2015 meeting. All student travel award applications must have a faculty sponsor who is a dues-paying member of FUN. 

The student will be required to present a poster at the SfN Brain Awareness Event and attend the FUN Poster Session and Social. It is not necessary that the student be enrolled as an undergraduate at the time of the SfN fall meeting. Students are eligible if the work was conducted while enrolled as an undergraduate student. 

A panel of FUN members and members of SfN’s Public Education and Communication Committee will judge the award applications. The following criteria will be used to evaluate the applications: 

    * The importance, quality and originality of the Brain Awareness project 
    * The student’s contribution to the Brain Awareness project 
    * The candidate’s potential as a scientist and an educator. 
    * Preference is given to students who are first author on the abstract. 

The online application must be completed by Friday June 26, 2015 . Please use the following link to access the online application: 


If you have any questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact Lisa Gabel or Alissa Ortman. 


Lisa Gabel 

President, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 

Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042 

gabell at lafayette.edu 	

Alissa Ortman 

BrainFacts.org Manager 

Society for Neuroscience 

aortman at sfn.org , 


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