[FUN_Mail] FW: NSF-FUNDED WORKSHOP - Mizzou's 11th Annual Summer Neuroscience Workshop May 23-27, 2016
Calin-Jageman, Robert
rcalinjageman at dom.edu
Fri Dec 9 21:56:30 EST 2016
From: Nair, Satish S. [mailto:NairS at missouri.edu]
Dear Faculty Member,
RE: Eleventh Annual Summer Workshop on 'Hardware and Software Experiments for Teaching Undergraduate Neuroscience', 10-14 July 2017 (APPLICATION DEADLINE OF 30 March 2017; limited to 15 faculty) - FUNDING FOR LODGING AND MEALS WILL BE PROVIDED BY A GRANT FROM NSF. PART OF TRAVEL MAY ALSO BE COVERED, DEPENDING ON THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.
The University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) Colleges of Engineering and Biological Sciences are sponsoring a one-week NSF funded workshop focused on novel curriculum development in neuroscience from 10-14 July 2017, on the Columbia campus. The Workshop is targeted to undergraduate faculty from biological sciences, psychology, physics and engineering with an interest in teaching and learning more about neuroscience. This is the ninth time we will be offering this annual workshop, incorporating input from past years -http://engineering.missouri.edu/neuro/outreach/neuroscience-workshop/
As cited above, most lodging and meals will be covered by a grant from NSF, and we will do our best to cover part of your travel costs.
Pl. see attached 2-page flyer for more details which outlines the simple on-line application. If you have any questions, pl. don't hesitate to get in touch.
p.s. Please feel free to pass this on to other faculty who may be interested.
Best regards....satish nair.
Satish S. Nair, Ph.D.
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, &
Professor of Biological Engineering
229 EBW, University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211
Ph: 573-882-2964; Fax: 573-882-0397
nairs at missouri.edu<mailto:nairs at missouri.edu>
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