[FUN_Mail] SfN 2016 Teaching Workshop: Big Data

Richard Olivo rolivo at smith.edu
Fri Jul 8 14:21:56 EDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

As you plan your trip to San Diego for Neuroscience 2016, please consider
attending this year's teaching workshop on Monday morning, November 14. A
poster with the full schedule of topics and speakers is attached, and a
description appears below. A website with information about all twelve
annual workshops will be updated soon at tinyurl.com/sfnpdw.

with best wishes,
Richard Olivo

*Monday, November 14, 2016    |    9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.    |    San Diego
Convention Center*

*Teaching Neuroscience with Big Data*

Neuroscience has entered the realm of big data with "neuroinformatics," the
study of the brain and nervous system using massive datasets. Although many
of these data collections began as closed repositories of research data, a
number of them are now open for use in teaching. The workshop will
introduce four examples of neuroscience "big data" collections, and
demonstrate how these open datasets have been used to teach students. The
collections are the Allen Brain Atlas, the Mouse Brain Library and Gene
Network, the Open Connectome Project, and OpenfMRI. The workshop will
conclude by discussing general resources and curricula for teaching
neuroinformatics, a new and developing area of expertise for most faculty.

*The workshop is open to faculty, postdocs, and students at every level of
teaching experience. There is no fee or preregistration.*

Richard F Olivo, PhD
Professor of Biological Sciences and Neuroscience, Smith College
Founding Editor, Educational Resources (ERIN), Society for Neuroscience
    44 College Lane, Smith College, Northampton MA 01063
    413 585-3822  •   http://tinyurl.com/bio300http://erin.sfn.org
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