[FUN_Mail] NeuroTinker Grant for FUN 2017 Pre-Workshop Lab Experience

Calin-Jageman, Robert rcalinjageman at dom.edu
Wed Feb 8 12:11:45 EST 2017


During the FUN 2017 pre-workshop laboratory experience, one of the intensive lab experiences will be learning to work with NeuroBytes<http://www.neurotinker.com/>, a cool hardware-based system for student exploration of neural networks.  NeuroBytes are being developed by long-time FUN member Joe Burdo.

Through an NSF development grant, NeuroTinker<http://www.neurotinker.com/> is able to cover a portion of the registration fees for up to 15 participants! (value up to $200 to cover just the pre-workshop portion of the registration fees).

Applicants for this program will:

  *   Attend the pre-workshop laboratory experience (July 27-28, with housing available from the afternoon of the 26th
  *   Select the NeuroByts activity as 1 of their 3 choices for lab experiences
  *   Complete pre-course and post-course evaluations

To apply:

  *   Please draft a 1 paragraph application indicating why you would like to be selected.
  *   Indicate as well your availability to attend the laboratory experience and main workshop and your willingness to complete the pre- and post- course evaluations
  *   Email your application to Joe Burdo: joe at neurotinker.com<mailto:joe at neurotinker.com>
  *   Don't register until after you've heard back from Joe.  If selected, you will receive a coupon code for a discounted registration.  This coupon must be applied to a registration for the combined workshop + lab experience.  If you have already registered and want to apply, please email Joe and we'll work something out.

Robert Calin-Jageman
Professor, Psychology
Neuroscience Program Director
Dominican University
Parmer 210
7900 West Division
River Forest, IL 60305
rcalinjageman at dom.edu<mailto:rcalinjageman at dom.edu>
Shameless Self-Promotion: Introduction to the New Statistics<https://www.routledge.com/Introduction-to-the-New-Statistics-Estimation-Open-Science-and-Beyond/Cumming-Calin-Jageman/p/book/9781138825529> is the first statistics textbook to focus on Open Science and the New Statistics. Instructors can obtain a free desk copy by emailing requests to rebecca.pearce at taylorandfrancis.com<mailto:rebecca.pearce at taylorandfrancis.com>.  Or, order via Amazon<https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-New-Statistics-Estimation-Science/dp/1138825522/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467113584&sr=8-1&keywords=calin-jageman>.

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