[FUN_Mail] Faculty Needed for Study of Expert Knowledge of Neuroscience Concepts

Stevenson, Jennifer jstevenson at ursinus.edu
Tue Jun 20 09:56:25 EDT 2017

Dear Colleagues,

You can earn a $25 Amazon gift card for helping us better understand student learning of neuroscience concepts. You are invited to participate in a 60-90 minute research study measuring the acquisition of neuroscience concepts in students in various levels of neuroscience courses using the Structural Assessment of Knowledge (SAK) approach. We are looking for neuroscience professors to serve as "experts" and help us to create an expert knowledge structure for comparison with the students' knowledge structures. If you participate, you will be asked to rate pairs of neuroscience concepts based on similarity using a program you will need to download and complete an online survey about yourself and your experience with these concepts. If you are interested in participating, email me (jstevenson at ursinus.edu<mailto:jstevenson at ursinus.edu>) for more information. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!

Jennifer Stevenson
Jennifer L. Stevenson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Psychology Department
Ursinus College
601 E. Main St.
Thomas Hall 328
Collegeville, PA 19426-1000
Tel: (610) 409-3189
Fax: (610) 409-3625

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