[FUN_Mail] What electives are included in your Neuroscience Program - responses needed asap

Jan Thornton jan.thornton at oberlin.edu
Mon Mar 6 14:32:42 EST 2017


   At Oberlin College we have a Neuroscience Department so are able to 
offer an introductory neuro course as well as upper level courses in 
Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuroendocrinology, Cognitive 
Neuroscience, Neurotoxicology, Sensory Neuroscience, Neuropharmacology, 
and Behavioral Neuroscience.  We have also sometimes offered 
Developmental Neuroscience and Neuroimmunology. We also have senior 
seminars that may be Neurobiology of Disease or other topics. The only 
elective outside the department that we accept as an upper level neuro 
class is Abnormal Psychology (which is taught with a strong neuro 

We don't have electives from other departments. However, we require all 
students to take some cognates:  Introductory Biology, Introductory 
Chemisty, and Molecular Biology or Organic Chemistry.

If we had courses in Nerve Cell Mechanisms and Behavior, Neurobiology of 
Disease, Animal Behavior, Endocrinology, Behavioral Endocrinology, and 
perhaps Sex, Evolution and Biology we might let one of them count as an 
elective.  The decision would be made after the department faculty 
reviewed the syllabus to determine if it had a strong neuro component.

Jan Thornton

On 3/4/2017 11:42 AM, Judith Ogilvie wrote:
> Hi all -
> We are trying to update our list of neuroscience electives for our 
> interdisciplinary program. The curriculum committee is requesting 
> clarification about why we have selected these specific courses and 
> excluded others. The original list of electives was based on what was 
> offered by other programs. Since they have asked for a response from 
> me by this *_Wed night 3/6_ *I'm hoping you all can help save me the 
> time of searching scores of web pages. Right now we are just looking 
> at the biology electives.
> Below is the list that includes (a) courses already approved, (b) 
> courses we would like to add, and (c) courses that the committee has 
> suggested.
> If you have a neuroscience degree program, please let me know which 
> ones you include as electives in your program and which ones are 
> available at your institution but not included as electives, and why not.
> BIOL 3010 Evolution 3
> BIOL 3030        Principles of 
> Genetics                                              3
> /BIOL 3060        Cell Structure & Function Laboratory                 1/
> /BIOL      3100        Experiments in Genetics 
> Lab                                1/
> BIOL      3280 Ethnobotony 3
> BIOL 3400        General 
> Ecology                                                         3
> /BIOL 3420        Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates        5/
> /BIOL 3470        General Physiology 
> Laboratory                            2/
> BIOL 3480        Exercise 
> Physiology                                                 3
> BIOL 4010        Sex, Evolution, and 
> Behavior                                3
> BIOL 4030        Introduction to 
> Genomics                                       3
> /BIOL      4050        Molecular Technique 
> Laboratory                          2/
> BIOL      4070        Advanced Biological 
> Chemistry                            3
> BIOL      4080        Advanced Cell 
> Biology                                             3
> BIOL 4150        Nerve Cell Mechanisms in Behavior                    3
> BIOL      4250        Neurobiology of 
> Disease                                         3
> BIOL 4360        Animal 
> Behavior                                                          3
> /BIOL 4370        Animal Behavior Lab /1
> BIOL 4410        Comparative Animal Physiology                           3
> /BIOL 4440        Vertebrate Histology: Structure and /
> /Function of Tissues 4/
> BIOL      4500        Introductory 
> Endocrinology                                   3
> BIOL      4510        Behavioral 
> Endocrinology                                       3
> BIOL      4540        Human Cellular 
> Physiology I                                  3
> BIOL      4600        Developmental 
> Biology                                            3
> BIOL /4610/ /Developmental Biology 
> Lab                                    2/
> BIOL      4630        Foundations of 
> Immunobiology                             3
> BIOL      4700        Molecular Biology 3
> **
> I am working to educate the curriculum committee about Neuroscience - 
> I was asked what Molecular Biology has to do with Neuroscience - so 
> any other comments are welcome and would be greatly appreciated. How 
> have you made decisions about which electives to include? Do you look 
> at learning objectives? Are there any courses that someone has 
> requested be added but were decided to be not appropriate for the 
> major and, if so, why? Some have suggested including all biology 
> courses, including Plants and Fungi. What criteria would you use to 
> include or exclude a course as a neuro elective?
> Thanks,
> -Judy Ogilvie
> ****************************************************
> Judith Mosinger Ogilvie, Ph.D., FARVO
> Associate Professor of Biology
> Co-Director, Neuroscience Program
> Department of Biology
> Saint Louis University
> 3507 Laclede Ave.
> St. Louis, MO  63103
> email: ogilviej at slu.edu <mailto:ogilviej at slu.edu>
> Phone:     314-977-3965
> Fax:         314-977-3658
> *****************************************************
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