[FUN_Mail] Announcement: FUN Travel Award 2017

Hewlet McFarlane mcfarlaneh at kenyon.edu
Fri May 19 12:04:58 EDT 2017

> Applications for Undergraduate Student Travel Awards  <http://funfaculty.org/applications/index.php/568452?lang=en>to the 2017 Society for Neuroscience Meeting in Washington, D.C. are being accepted now through May 26th, 2017 at 5 p.m., Eastern Time.
> Information about the award: The award offers aid for expenses associated with attending the Society for Neuroscience 2017 meeting for an undergraduate student who is presenting a poster at the main SFN meeting. All student award travel award applications must have a faculty sponsor who is a dues-paying member of FUN. 
> The student should be an author on the abstract and present research results from studies conducted while an undergraduate.  It is not necessary that the student be enrolled as an undergraduate at the time of the SFN fall meeting.  Students are eligible if the work was done as a graduating senior the previous year. However, students who have previously won a FUN travel award may not reapply.
> A panel of FUN members judges the award applications.  The judging criteria focus on the student’s contribution to the project, the importance and originality of the project, and the candidate’s potential in science.  Preference is given to students who are first author on the abstract.
> How to apply:
> This year, applications must be submitted online <https://funfaculty.org/applications/index.php/762863?lang=en> by the faculty sponsor as a single PDF document.  Please go to the following website to apply and upload the following documents:
> 1.         The abstract submitted to the Society for Neuroscience (due to SfN by May 4th).  The student should be an author on the abstract and present research results from studies conducted while an undergraduate. 
> 2.        A statement by the student candidate indicating the scientific importance of the project, the candidate’s contribution to the project (including an estimation of the amount of time spent on it), and the relevance of this research experience to the candidate’s career plans. (Two page maximum)
> 3.        The student candidate’s CV/resume. The CV/resume should include any other research-related activities.
> 4.        A short statement by the student’s faculty sponsor.  This statement should clearly identify the specific contributions the student candidate has made, especially in the case of multiple student authors.
> If  you have any questions or concerns about the application process, please contact Hewlet McFarlane (M <mailto:chase at hope.edu>cFarlaneh at Kenyon.edu <http://mcfarlaneh@kenyon.edu/>).
> =====================
> Hewlet G. McFarlane, PhD.
> Professor of Neuroscience
> Neuroscience Department Chair
> Kenyon College
> Gambier OH 43022
> President-Elect, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN)
> Director, Camp 4 Scholars at Kenyon College
> Phone: (740) 427 – 5375 <tel:(740)%20427-5375>
>   FAX: (740) 427 – 5237 <tel:(740)%20427-5237>
> Cell: (740) 975-6703 <tel:(740)%20975-6703>
> McFarlaneh at Kenyon.edu <mailto:McFarlaneh at Kenyon.edu>

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