[FUN_Mail] Schedule for SfN workshop on teaching neuroscience

Richard Olivo rolivo at smith.edu
Sun Nov 5 16:28:59 EST 2017

Dear colleagues,

For those attending the SfN meeting, I attach a printable version of the
schedule of speakers for the teaching workshop on Monday morning, November

*Evidence-Based Approaches to Teaching Neuroscience*

In addition to the links for each speaker that appear on the schedule, you
can find an extended list of suggested resources on the workshop's website:


With best wishes,

Richard F Olivo, PhD
Professor of Biological Sciences and Neuroscience, Smith College
Founding Editor, Educational Resources (ERIN), Society for Neuroscience
       44 College Lane, Smith College, Northampton MA 01063
       413 585-3822 • http://tinyurl.com/bio300http://erin.sfn.org
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