[FUN_Mail] Postbac fellowship starting in 2018

Picchioni, Dante (NIH/NINDS) [C] dante.picchioni at nih.gov
Sat Nov 18 13:39:04 EST 2017

The Advanced MRI Section in the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, MD is seeking postbaccalaureate fellow candidates.  If hired, the fellow will assist with everything from subject scheduling to data collection and analysis for an all-night functional MRI sleep study.  Applicants must be willing and able to work night shifts.  The start date is summer 2018.

Required qualifications:
1) College graduates who received their bachelor's degree less than three years or master's degree less than six months prior to the date that they begin the program or students who have been accepted into graduate or professional school and have written permission to pursue one year of biomedical research at NIH.
2) U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
3) Candidates must intend to apply to graduate or professional school during their tenure at NIH.

Preferred qualifications:
1) Computer programming experience.

Applicants should send their CV to Dante Picchioni, Ph.D. at dante.picchioni at nih.gov.

For more information on the NIH Intramural Research Training Award, see https://www.training.nih.gov/programs/postbac_irta.  For more information on the laboratory, see https://amri.ninds.nih.gov.

See https://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/node/6604 to view this ad online.

Dante Picchioni, Ph.D.
National Institutes of Health
Intramural Research Program
10 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-1065
P: 301-451-9918
F: 301-480-2558

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