[FUN_Mail] SFN Session on Improving your Science: Sample Size Planning, Pre-registration, and Reproducible Data Analysis

Calin-Jageman, Robert rcalinjageman at dom.edu
Tue Oct 24 16:05:12 EDT 2017

Howdy, FUN Friends,

Just wanted to point out that if you have any students attending SFN this year they might be interested in this professional development workshop I helped organize:

                PDW15 - Improving Your Science: Sample-Size Planning, Pre-Regisration, and Reproducible Data Analysis
                November 13, 12-2pm, 207B

The session will help students figure out how much data is enough data (which the ASA now says is an ethical obligation for all scientists to consider before data collection begins), how to pre-register a sampling-plan and/or analysis plan, and how to organize their research workflow for maximum reproducibility.   My co-presenters include David Mellor of the Open Science Foundation and Richard Ball of Project Tier.

Note that this session is just an hour after the workshop on Evidence-Based Approaches to Teaching Neuroscience being organized by FUN member Richard Olivo (http://funfaculty.org/teaching_workshops/ ).   Throw in some lunch in between and you've got a perfect Monday at SFN.  :)



Robert Calin-Jageman
Professor, Psychology
Neuroscience Program Director
Dominican University
Parmer 210
7900 West Division
River Forest, IL 60305
rcalinjageman at dom.edu<mailto:rcalinjageman at dom.edu>
Shameless Self-Promotion: Introduction to the New Statistics<https://www.routledge.com/Introduction-to-the-New-Statistics-Estimation-Open-Science-and-Beyond/Cumming-Calin-Jageman/p/book/9781138825529> is the first statistics textbook to focus on Open Science and the New Statistics. Instructors can obtain a free desk copy here: https://www.routledge.com/resources/deskcopy.  Or, order via Amazon<https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-New-Statistics-Estimation-Science/dp/1138825522/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467113584&sr=8-1&keywords=calin-jageman>.

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