[FUN_Mail] upcoming FUN Newsletter deadline -- May 30

Reynolds, Elaine R reynolde at lafayette.edu
Thu Apr 26 08:29:20 EDT 2018

Sorry, not awake yet

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elaine Reynolds" <reynolde at lafayette.edu>
To: "Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List" <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 8:28:14 AM
Subject: Re: [FUN_Mail] upcoming FUN Newsletter deadline -- May 30


I would like to pull the article I sent you before from the next issue. I am thinking of sending it to JUNE instead. Thanks. Maybe I can write something else. Have any topics you would like to be covered?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Carlita Favero" <cfavero at ursinus.edu>
To: "Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List" <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:42:32 AM
Subject: [FUN_Mail] upcoming FUN Newsletter deadline -- May 30

Contribute to the FUN newsletter! 

Would you consider drafting a piece for the upcoming issue of the FUN newsletter? 

The deadline for submissions is May 30, with the issue tentatively scheduled to publish June 15. 

The newsletter serves as a showcase for the ideas and achievements of FUN membership. By publishing a piece in the newsletter, you’ll be helping to catalyze the FUN community. 

The newsletter is open to a wide variety of article-formats: 

o Editorial – an opinion piece on an issue or topic relevant to the advancement of FUN’s mission. 

o I wish I’d known then – advice you wish you’d been given related to teaching neuroscience, career development, managing research or other topics relevant to FUN membership 

o Resource Pointers/Reviews – summary and review of a teaching resource you find useful (book, article, video, website, etc.) 

o Ask FUN – a question on which you seek feedback from the FUN community (e.g. grading dilemma, managing work-life balance, etc.) 

o People/Places/Milestones let us know about promotions, new hires, special activities with students, etc. - get the extra kudos you deserve! 

o Announcements/Events 

o And more... – other submitted articles directly relevant to FUN membership are encouraged! 

To submit, simply email your piece directly to the FUN newsletter committee chair, Carlita Favero [ mailto:cfavero at ursinus.edu | cfavero at ursinus.edu ] . The deadline for the upcoming issue is May 30th. 

Can’t make this deadline? The deadline for the next issue is August 15 (publication date September 15) 

Have an idea but not sure if it is right for the newsletter? Just email the FUN newsletter committee chair, Carlita Favero at [ mailto:cfavero at ursinus.edu | cfavero at ursinus.edu ] to inquire. 

All submissions are governed by the newsletter editorial policy: [ http://funfaculty.net/Oxi | http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/Newsletter_Editorial_Policy ] 

Hope you’ll consider contributing, 

FUN Newsletter Editors, Carlita Favero and Sarah Holstein 

--remember replies to the mailing list go to everyone on the list!! --

FUN_Mail mailing list
FUN_Mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Elaine R. Reynolds
Associate Professor of Biology and Neuroscience
Lafayette College
office:  108 Kunkel Hall
reynolde at lafayette.edu

"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems and suffer and understand, for all that is life"   Jiddu Krishnamurti

--remember replies to the mailing list go to everyone on the list!! --

FUN_Mail mailing list
FUN_Mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Elaine R. Reynolds
Associate Professor of Biology and Neuroscience
Lafayette College
office:  108 Kunkel Hall
reynolde at lafayette.edu

"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems and suffer and understand, for all that is life"   Jiddu Krishnamurti

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