[FUN_Mail] MS Programs in Neuroscience

Michael Paul Black seawater at gsu.edu
Fri Jun 15 20:38:46 EDT 2018

Hi Dorothy,

We have one at Georgia State University.


On Jun 15, 2018, at 9:48 AM, Sacchetti, Paola <PSACCHETT at hartford.edu<mailto:PSACCHETT at hartford.edu>> wrote:


To my knowledge, there is no list out there and there are very few “pure” programs. Many are Biomedical sciences or Biology programs with tracks or emphasis.

At the University of Hartford, we actually have a Master’s Program in Neuroscience with a thesis and a non-thesis track. I have attached the eBrochure (although a new one is in production). Here is the link: http://www.hartford.edu/a_and_s/departments/biology/program_neuroscience/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hartford.edu%2Fa_and_s%2Fdepartments%2Fbiology%2Fprogram_neuroscience%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cseawater%40gsu.edu%7C5f47326d0f354063924d08d5d2c690c0%7C515ad73d8d5e4169895c9789dc742a70%7C0%7C1%7C636646673205411281&sdata=lPwOTdILHiKX%2BWGFoYtiVbua%2FvBOufHs4zjY8e495%2FI%3D&reserved=0>


Paola Sacchetti, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Director MS Neuroscience
Department of Biology
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue BC160B
06117 West Hartford, CT

From: FUN_Mail [mailto:fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org] On Behalf Of Kozlowski, Dorothy
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 8:25 AM
To: FUN FACULTY <FUN_Mail at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:FUN_Mail at lists.funfaculty.org>>
Subject: [FUN_Mail] MS Programs in Neuroscience

Hi Everyone,
I’m working on compiling a list of Master’s Programs in Neuroscience for our majors and have been unsuccessful in finding a comprehensive one out there on the web.  Does anyone know if this exists?

Alternatively, if you know of a master’s program in Neuroscience can you pass it along and I’ll work on compiling a list and sharing?



Dorothy Kozlowski Ph.D.
Vincent de Paul Professor-
Department of Biological Sciences
Director, Neuroscience Program
DePaul University

McGowan North 106
2325 N. Clifton
Chicago, IL 60614



<University of Hartford MS Neuroscience.pdf>

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