[FUN_Mail] Thoughts on a neuroscience teaching conference at WFU?

Eric Wiertelak wiertelak at macalester.edu
Thu Nov 8 12:32:01 EST 2018


Julio asked my question-- how would this differ from the regularly
scheduled FUN workshops on neuroscience education and teaching?



On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Katy Lack <lackak at wfu.edu> wrote:

> Dear FUN Faculty,
> Good morning! I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to ask your
> opinion about having Wake Forest be the site of a potential conference for
> the teaching of neuroscience.
> There are many area-specific teaching conferences, but, in the field of
> neuroscience, there seems to be a dearth of such conferences. After this
> realization, we (along with a few colleagues at other universities) thought
> the time was right, and Wake Forest might the place, to hold such a
> conference. Our goal is to provide a forum where instructors of
> neuroscience can come together and share pedagogical, innovative, and
> effective ideas for teaching neuroscience to undergraduates.
> Before we move forward, we want to gauge the interest level in this
> conference. We've constructed a short survey that will take less than 5
> minutes of your time. Please take this survey at your earliest convenience -*
> the survey will close on December 1*.
> Please feel free to forward this survey to your teaching-focused
> colleagues at other universities, as well. We will be distributing the
> survey on various list serves as well as social media and through our own
> connections, but we want this survey to reach as many people as possible.
> Take the survey here
> <https://wakeforest.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Z0ZwJAzPO8cXjf>.
> Warmly,
> Katy Lack and Melissa Masicampo
> ****************************
> Anna Kate Lack, Ph.D.
> Associate Teaching Professor
> Bryant/Groves Faculty Fellow
> Department of Biology
> Wake Forest University
> lackak at wfu.edu
> (336)758-3811
> Melissa Masicampo, PhD
> Assistant Teaching Professor
> Department of Psychology
> Wake Forest University
> Preferred pronouns: She/Her/Hers
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Eric P. Wiertelak Ph.D.
Chair, FUN Committee on Education
DeWitt Wallace Professor and Chair of Psychology
Director, Neuroscience Studies Major
Macalester College
1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105
651-696-6111 (office)
651-696-6348 (fax)
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