[FUN_Mail] CrawFly January 2019

Bruce Raymond Johnson brj1 at cornell.edu
Thu Nov 15 16:30:29 EST 2018

Dear FUN friends,

The January 2019 International CrawFly Workshop, sponsored by ADInstruments and A-M Systems, will be held Weds, January 9 through Sunday, January 13, 2019 at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.  The site announcement and registration with detailed information for this neuroscience educator workshop is: [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crawfly-invertebrate-neurophysiology-course-january-2019-tickets-51712963867].

The workshop will be taught by Bob Wyttenbach (Emory University), Ilya Vilinsky (University of Cincinnati), Karen Hibbard (HHMI at Janelia Research Campus), Ron Hoy, David Deitcher and me (Cornell University) and ADInstruments educators.   It presents classic and new student lab exercises to teach fundamental principles of signal transmission in the nervous system.  Participants are guided in using electrophysiological instrumentation for extracellular and intracellular recording techniques and LabChart software for acquisition and analysis of physiological and behavioral data and control of electrical and opto-genetic nerve stimulation.  We present classic Crawdad lab exercises, and new exercises that take advantage of the genetic tractability of fruit flies.  These use optogenetic manipulation to explore principles of behavior and physiology with the fruit fly model system.   Participants will make their own optical stimulators for fruit fly exercises at home.  Sessions include brainstorming on best practices in laboratory and classroom teaching.

Two scholarships will be awarded for scholarship tuition.  Visit the Neurobiology Scholarship Application Webform <https://adinstrumentsna.polldaddy.com/s/crawfly-awards-jan19> (or the site above) to learn more about the award requirements and to submit your proposal. All application materials must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM (EST) December 1, 2018. You do not need to register for the course to apply for this scholarship. Seats to the CrawFly course are being held specifically for recipients of the scholarship. Scholarship winners will be announced by December 10, 2018.

Email me (brj1 at cornell.edu) with any questions or concerns.  Come join the CrawFly community!

Best wishes,

Bruce Johnson

Bruce R. Johnson, Ph.D.
Dept of  Neurobiology and Behavior
Mudd Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Office: 1134 Comstock Hall; Ph: 607-592-9184

From: FUN_Mail <fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org> on behalf of Ramirez, Julio <juramirez at davidson.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 2:19 PM
To: Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List
Subject: Re: [FUN_Mail] SFN meeting and strategic planning

Terrific discussion! Just as an FYI, Article II of the bylaws does have the statement of purpose (below) that may be a good launching point for further dialogue about a Mission Statement.

“The purpose of the Faculty For Undergraduate Neuroscience shall be to advance the interdisciplinary study of all facets of neuroscience on the undergraduate Level; by the promotion of research in neuroscience both as a model for and to encourage participation by undergraduates; to develop undergraduate courses in neuroscience; to develop professional competency in the latest methods of neuroscience so as to be able to share them with undergraduates; to contribute towards the knowledge base of neuroscience through meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers/posters, discussions, publications, and in general to advance scientific interests and inquiry.”

Best always,


Julio J. Ramirez, Ph.D.

R. Stuart Dickson Professor

Director, Neuroscience Program

Co-Director, Neuroscience Scholars Program

   Society for Neuroscience

Department of Psychology

Wall Academic Building

Room 270

Box 7017

Davidson College

Davidson, NC 28035-7017

Voice: 704-894-2888

“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!) but ‘That’s funny…”

— Isaac Asimov

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From: FUN_Mail [mailto:fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org] On Behalf Of Phillips, Kimberley
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 1:56 PM
To: fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Subject: Re: [FUN_Mail] SFN meeting and strategic planning

Hi Ron,

Sorry I wasn't able to make it to the FUN booth to talk about strategic planning. As I mentioned to you at the end of the JUNE board meeting, I recently completed my 2 yr term as President of a society (American Society of Primatologists), where I initiated strategic planning. We ended up hiring a consultant to collect and summarize the data, mainly because we felt we needed a neutral party to do so. However, I learned a lot about the process, data gathering, summarizing, reporting, etc.  I am happy to assist with strategic planning for FUN.

Some thoughts/comments:

 Financial.  I'm a big proponent of transparency. It bothers me that at no time have the financial reports been presented and discussed (for JUNE, and I attended the business meeting last year and don't recall this info being presented).  In order for FUN to make decisions about future goals and programs, I think it is imperative that we all have an understanding of existing funds and how they are allocated.  I think an openness about finances makes others trust in the organization, too.

I definitely think a mission statement is needed, as well as an articulated vision and goals. This helps to ensure that decisions are made that further the mission of the Society.  The vision and goals can be informed by what the membership indicates as important considerations for FUN.

I think the website needs to be completely revamped and reorganized. It isn't very intuitive, and so the only site I go to the site is to pay my dues (which isn't very easy to do, either).  I don't know all of the programmatic elements of FUN, timelines, etc.  - seems that anyone should be able to readily discern these from the website.

Administrative thought - the President's term is 1 year - correct? That probably isn't enough time to do much of anything; I would consider changing it to 2 years. {Though I am sure that would have to be a membership vote to change the By-Laws.}

Those are my thoughts for now.


Ronald J. Bayline

Professor and Chair, Biology Department

Highmark Professor in the Life Sciences

Washington and Jefferson College

60 South Lincoln Street

Washington, PA 15301

ph: (724) 250-3406

fx:  (724) 228-3802

email:  rjbayline at washjeff.edu<mailto:rjbayline at washjeff.edu>


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Kimberley A. Phillips, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology

Chair of Neuroscience

Trinity University

San Antonio TX

Core Scientist, Southwest National Primate Research Center

Texas Biomedical Research Institute

San Antonio TX

Past-President, The American Society of Primatologists
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