[FUN_Mail] SfN Teaching Workshop: "Teaching Computation in Neuroscience."

Richard Olivo rolivo at smith.edu
Wed Oct 2 14:03:13 EDT 2019

Dear FUN colleagues,

This year's teaching workshop at the SfN annual meeting is on "Teaching
Computation in Neuroscience." It is scheduled for *Monday, October 21, 2019*
in room *N227* from *12-2 pm*. The online meeting planner provides only
minimal information about the workshop, so Bill Grisham and I are listing
the speakers and topics here. It's a great topic (thanks to Bill), and we
hope many FUN members will attend the session.

*Teaching Computation in Neuroscience*

The workshop will review current examples of teaching computation for
neuroscience. It will begin with the statistical foundations that students
need and consider which programming languages are most useful. It will
continue with computational methods for physiological data, practical
aspects of teaching computational neuroscience, and end with an overview of
resources for teaching and learning computational modeling in neuroscience.
*Speakers and Topics**:*

An overview of computation in neuroscience: William Grisham, Department of
Psychology, UCLA

Statistical background for computational neuroscience: Robert Kass,
Statistics, Computational Neuroscience, and Biomedical Engineering,
Carnegie Mellon University

Teaching a programming language: MATLAB or Python?: Pascal Wallisch,
Department of Psychology, NYU

Computation for processing physiological data: Adrienne Fairhall,
Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington

Teaching a computational neuroscience course: Walter Babiec, Neuroscience
Interdepartmental Program, UCLA

Resources for teaching computational neuroscience and big data: Mathew
Abrams, International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility, Stockholm

Richard F Olivo, PhD
Professor of Biological Sciences and Neuroscience, Smith College
Founding Editor, Educational Resources (ERIN), Society for Neuroscience
       44 College Lane, Smith College, Northampton MA 01063
       413 585-3822 • http://tinyurl.com/bio300rolivo at smith.edu
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