[FUN_Mail] FUN booth chats

MARY E. MORRISON Morrison at lycoming.edu
Sun Oct 20 15:24:01 EDT 2019

Greetings FUN members!

If you are in Chicago for the SfN meeting, please consider attending the following FUN booth chats.  Our booth number is 2015.

Best regards,

  *   Sunday 2-3 pm Strategic Planning for FUN's future -- led by Ron Bayline

  *   Sunday 3:30-4:30 pm    Nu Rho Psi neuroscience honor society -- led by Mike Kerchner and Maggie Gill

  *   Monday 10-11 am         Nu Rho Psi neuroscience honor society -- led by Phillip Quirk and Beth Wee

  *   Monday 11am-12noon   How to get a job at a PUI (predominantly undergraduate institution) -- led by Sarah Holstein

  *   Monday 1-2 pm How to get tenure at a PUI -- led by Mary Morrison and Hewlet McFarlane

  *   Monday 2-3 pm Introducing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives at a PUI -- led by Jackie Rose

  *   Monday 3-4 pm Balancing teaching and research at a PUI -- led by Mary Lou Caspers

  *   Tuesday 10-11 am        Strategic Planning for FUN's future -- led by Ron Bayline

  *   Tuesday 2-3 pm            Publishing your work in the Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience (JUNE) -- led by Raddy Ramos

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