[FUN_Mail] Intro level Neuro communication class

Tracy M Hodgson t-hodgson at northwestern.edu
Wed Sep 11 14:29:29 EDT 2019


  As part of our course website software (we use Canvas at NU), we had an add-on app called Yellowdig. It was essentially like a Facebook feed. Students could post content (articles, videos, etc) and everyone could comment on the postings. It was great for students who were not as confident talking in class.


On Sep 11, 2019 12:32 PM, "Frenzel, Kristen E" <kfrenze at emory.edu> wrote:
Hi FUN colleagues,
I will be teaching a neuroscience course for freshmen and sophomores in the spring semester that highlights the variety of communication channels available to scientists these days. So I'm look for advice, words of warning, resources or syllabi that have neuro content plus assignments that involve Twitter, blogs, podcasts, etc and  are intended to reach to a non-science audience. Thanks in advance!

Kristen Frenzel, Ph.D.
Associate Director and Senior Lecturer
Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology Program
Emory University
Office: 404-727-1317
Cell: 678-362-9318


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