[FUN_Mail] undergraduate neuroanatomy courses
Robin Lynn Jones
rljone02 at syr.edu
Tue Sep 24 09:59:31 EDT 2019
Hi Sarah!
Thank you so much for your response. After talking with my department chair, we have decided to try to find a many human brain alternatives as possible and give a lab course a shot! I'm pretty excited!
Thank you for these ideas. We are, in fact, right next to a major university hospital. I LOVE the idea of attending brain cutting. Definitely needs to make some calls!
Would you mind sharing your syllabus? It would be great to see how you ran your lab sessions/what other activities you did. I do plan to order sheep brains as well!
Thank you again.
Robin Jones
Associate Teaching Professor of Neuroscience
Neuroscience Primary Advisor
Department of Biology
T 315.443.3962
rljone02 at syr.edu
114 Life Sciences Complex, Syracuse, NY 13244
Syracuse University
From: FUN_Mail <fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org> On Behalf Of Raskin, Sarah A.
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 10:50 AM
To: 'Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List' <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>
Subject: Re: [FUN_Mail] undergraduate neuroanatomy courses
Are you near a hospital? When I teach neuroanatomy we go to "brain cutting" (i.e., neuropathology rounds). The pathologist is great about quizzing students on their anatomy while doing the pathology analysis.
The other thing we did was visit a nearby institute that does MRI. The students got their own brains imaged, learned about Talairach coordinates, and Talairached their own brains.
I am happy to send my syllabus from when I last taught the course but it was pretty lab based with sheep brain dissections, etc. I do have them each create their own atlas by hand--I think doing the actual drawing really helps them learn the material. And there are some really great computer programs out there now.
From: FUN_Mail <fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org>> on behalf of Robin Lynn Jones <rljone02 at syr.edu<mailto:rljone02 at syr.edu>>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 10:37 AM
To: 'Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List' <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>>
Subject: [FUN_Mail] undergraduate neuroanatomy courses
Hi all!
I'm looking for advice/syllabi etc. for starting an undergraduate neuroanatomy course. Right now, the course is likely to be lecture based as we have no models or anything else to start a lab with, however ideas about a lab course are still welcome if anyone has them! We don't, and won't, have access to human brain tissue unfortunately, so lab alternatives would also be welcomed.
Any suggestions you have on this topic are very appreciated!
Thank you so much,
Robin Jones
Associate Teaching Professor of Neuroscience
Neuroscience Primary Advisor
Department of Biology
T 315.443.3962
rljone02 at syr.edu<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=rljone02%40syr.edu&data=02%7C01%7Csarah.raskin%40trincoll.edu%7Cab0351d357944c8522dc08d73dd80e0c%7Ca6cda06a52d94672ae1ff6f9c9f14e37%7C0%7C0%7C637045870475953111&sdata=9Ecp%2BxM0jJ%2B2nN1%2FxajXsaihmoK5q7LY5Uv66M%2BP5zM%3D&reserved=0>
114 Life Sciences Complex, Syracuse, NY 13244
Syracuse University
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