[FUN_Mail] FW: PUI Departmental Self Study and Service Requirements

Eric Wiertelak wiertelak at macalester.edu
Fri Jan 31 10:17:13 EST 2020

Hi, Adrienne--
In answer to your first question, there is a service-- the FUN Program and
Department Consulting Service! Submitting a request for external
consultants will add to your list of potential reviewers. As the current
director of the FUN PDCS, I'd recommend making a request by the end of this
school year for an external review next year. Details on how to make a
request can be found on the FUN website, or by contacting me.

On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 7:50 AM Calin-Jageman, Robert <rcalinjageman at dom.edu>

> Here is a question to the FUN listserv posted by Adrienne Betz.  Please
> respond back to her at: adriennebetz at gmail.com
> Dear all,
> I am seeking advice on two distinct but related PUI departmental matters.
> 1) How does one discover colleagues that are experts or have extensive
> experience as external reviewers? word of mouth? Is there a data base or
> academic service that connects departments with appropriate reviewers? We
> are planning a self study next year and I am looking to compile a list of
> potential external reviewers.
> 2) Service requirements: Is anyone willing to share with me their written
> and/or unwritten rules or culture about departmental service specifically
> in regards to attendance at a) open houses b) admitted students day c)
> graduation d) school or departmental wide BBQ/picnics e) orientations d)
> evening events etc etc. Please PM me if easier to discuss privately.
> Thank you!
> Adrienne J. Betz Ph.D.
> Professor of Psychology
> Director, Behavioral Neuroscience Program
> Professor of Medical Sciences
> Quinnipiac University
> Mail drop BC-SCI
> 275 Mt. Carmel Avenue
> Hamden, CT 06518
> Office: 203-582-5259
> Fax: 203-582-8682
> Lab: 203-582-8292 (no messages)
> Cell: 203-887-7007
> adrienne.betz at quinnipiac.edu
> Textbook: Sdorow, Rickabaugh and Betz 8th edition
> <https://www.academicmediasolutions.com/sdorow-psychology-8e>
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Eric P. Wiertelak Ph.D.
Director, FUN-PDCS
DeWitt Wallace Professor and Chair of Psychology
Faculty of Neuroscience
Macalester College
1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105
651-696-6111 (office)
651-696-6348 (fax)
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