[FUN_Mail] FUN fall events update

Karen Gunther guntherk at wabash.edu
Tue Jul 7 19:04:09 EDT 2020

I look forward to a virtual FUN business meeting!  I don't know how many other FUN members are in the same boat as I am, but I have been a member of FUN for a long time, but have maybe only attended the business meeting once, because I rarely attend SfN.  I do teach neuroscience, so FUN is a helpful organization.  But I study color vision, and there are several good vision conferences, even some just on color vision, so I tend to attend those conferences instead, and thus miss the FUN business meeting.  A virtual meeting would be open to more FUN members, even in non-COVID times.

-        Karen

Dr. Karen L. Gunther, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology
Daniel F. Evans Associate Professor in Social Science
Chair, Psychology Division, Council on Undergraduate Research
Baxter 309
Psychology Department
Wabash College
301 W. Wabash Ave.
Crawfordsville, IN  47933
Preferred pronouns:  she, her

From: FUN_Mail [mailto:fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org] On Behalf Of MARY E. MORRISON
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6:38 PM
To: fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Subject: [FUN_Mail] FUN fall events update

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Greetings FUN members!  I want to thank you for your patience regarding the 2020 FUN booth, FUN Travel Award competition, FUN poster session, and FUN social.  The FUN Executive Committee has been in communication about these issues over recent months.

Recently, the Society for Neuroscience postponed their abstract and registration deadlines, but they have made no formal announcement about the format of their meeting.  The District of Columbia has announced that no gatherings of more than 250 people will be allowed until they are in Stage 4 of reopening.  This would require existence of an effective treatment or a vaccine against coronavirus.  The probability of DC being in Stage 4 in October seems very low.  Many institutions have already announced they will not allow nonessential student or faculty travel at all this fall.

Past President Ron Bayline and I constructed a poll to determine what proportion of FUN members would attend an in-person SfN meeting (90% not planning on attending), what proportion were planning on bringing undergraduate students to an in-person SfN meeting (95% not bringing students), and how many would be interested in presenting research posters at a virtual FUN meeting (more than 70 responded positively).  About 40% of the FUN membership participated in this poll.

With these considerations in mind, the FUN Executive Committee has made the following decisions about our events:

  *   The FUN poster session will not be held in person this year, but it will be replaced by a virtual poster session. Watch the listserv and FUN website for future announcements about poster submissions.

  *   The FUN social will not be held in person this year.  It may be replaced by a virtual social.  Watch the FUN website for further information.

  *   In keeping with FUN's renewed commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (https://www.funfaculty.org/content.asp?admin=Y&contentid=187), and to promote the role of science in society, this year we will ask that posters include a 1-2 sentence (~100 words) statement about the societal impact of their work.

  *   The FUN Travel Award competition will not be held this year, because there will be no travel to the poster session.

  *   We are considering the options for a juried poster competition.  Poster presentations would be judged live at the time of the virtual poster session by a panel of FUN faculty, and a number of monetary awards on the order of $100 or so would be made.  We are still working out the details of this proposal.  Watch the FUN website and listserv for further information

  *   The FUN executive and business meetings will take place virtually this year.

  *   The FUN booth will be cancelled if the SfN meeting proceeds in person.

  *   Please remember the FUN Summer Virtual Meeting for faculty, coming up July 30-August 1.  Registration is now open.  More information can be found here:   https://www.funfaculty.org/content.asp?admin=Y&contentid=188

I want to thank the entire Executive Committee for giving their time and their honest thoughts about each of these difficult decisions.  I am proud that we are keeping our commitment to making opportunities for undergraduates to gain experience presenting their work, and to helping faculty share experiences and resources.  Even coronavirus cannot stop the FUN!

Mary E. Morrison, Ph.D.
Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN) President
Assistant Professor
Neuroscience Program Coordinator
Lycoming College
Room 107 Heim Building
1 College Place
Williamsport, PA 17701
morrison at lycoming.edu<mailto:morrison at lycoming.edu>

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