[FUN_Mail] Regional undergraduate conferences
Karen Gunther
guntherk at wabash.edu
Thu Jul 9 15:04:51 EDT 2020
mGluRs? 🙂 I don't know if you're also looking for psych conferences, but we take our seniors to MAUPRC (www.mauprc.org; MidAmerica Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference) most years.
Not regional, but NCUR (https://www.cur.org/what/events/students/ncur/; National Conference on Undergraduate Research) is also for undergrad research, across disciplines.
* Karen
Dr. Karen L. Gunther, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology
Daniel F. Evans Associate Professor of Social Science
Chair, Psychology Division, Council on Undergraduate Research
Wabash College
Baxter 309
301 W. Wabash Ave.
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Preferred pronouns: she, her
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From: FUN_Mail <fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org> on behalf of Amy Jo Stavnezer <AJStavnezer at wooster.edu>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 3:00 PM
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Subject: [FUN_Mail] Regional undergraduate conferences
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Good afternoon all,
I hope this message finds you all well and, perhaps, with some idea of what will be happening at your institution this fall.
Crowd-sourcing question: I would like to include a table in an upcoming manuscript submission (yes, of course to JUNE) on Regional Research Conferences that are favorable to undergraduate research presentations (talks or posters), or might even be just undergraduate conferences. I know of some, SYNAPSE, MidBrains, NEURON, PA Academy of Sciences, that are not in my actual region, but I’m sure there are others and I’d love to know their names. I am not interested in knowing if you host a symposium at your own institution, however, as this is to help the readers find outlets for their student’s work.
Please email your responses directly to me: ajstavnezer at wooster.edu<mailto:ajstavnezer at wooster.edu>.
Thanks for the help and take good care!
Amy Jo
Amy Jo Stavnezer, PhD
College of Wooster, Professor of Psychology
Chair, Program in Neuroscience
Member, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience<http://funfaculty.org/>
Editorial Board, Journal for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education<http://funjournal.org/>
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