[FUN_Mail] NIH Strategic Plan for 2021-25

Eric Wiertelak wiertelak at macalester.edu
Thu Mar 5 16:02:12 EST 2020

For those interested, the NIH has posted and is soliciting responses for
their next strategic plan until 3/25/20. Find it at:

They are looking for public feedback across any of their...

*Cross Cutting Themes*

   - Increasing, Enhancing, and Supporting Diversity
   - Improving Women’s Health and Minority Health, and Reducing Health
   - Optimizing Data Science and the Development of Technologies and Tools
   - Promoting Collaborative Science
   - Addressing Public Health Challenges Across the Lifespan

*Objective 1: Advancing Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences*

   - Driving Foundational Science
   - Preventing Disease and Promoting Health
   - Developing Treatments, Interventions, and Cures

*Objective 2: Developing, Maintaining, and Renewing Scientific Research

   - Cultivating the Biomedical Research Workforce
   - Supporting Research Resources and Infrastructure

*Objective 3: Exemplifying and Promoting the Highest Level of Scientific
Integrity, Public Accountability, and Social Responsibility in the Conduct
of Science*

   - Fostering a Culture of Good Scientific Stewardship
   - Leveraging Partnerships
   - Ensuring Accountability and Confidence in Biomedical and Behavioral
   - Optimizing Operations

Eric P. Wiertelak Ph.D.
DeWitt Wallace Professor and Chair of Psychology
Macalester College
1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105
651-696-6111 (office)
651-696-6348 (fax)
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