[FUN_Mail] Compilation of listings of online lecture and lab materials
Gunnar Kwakye
gkwakye at oberlin.edu
Wed Mar 18 19:04:13 EDT 2020
Thank you so much, Richard.
On Wed, Mar 18, 2020, 6:07 PM Richard Olivo <rolivo at smith.edu> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I've been impressed by the extensive listings of online lecture and lab
> materials that our FUN colleagues have posted, and I've taken the liberty
> of assembling those listings in this message. I had hoped that SfN's ERIN
> database would also provide links to high-quality, reviewed materials, but
> SfN has not maintained ERIN in the way that the other founding editors and
> I would have preferred, and its former URL (erin.sfn.org) has
> disappeared. I asked SfN to explain what has happened to the 600+ ERIN
> listings, and I begin with SfN's reply. Following that are the lists from
> FUN members of online lectures, and then online labs.
> With best wishes as we all switch to new ways of teaching,
> Richard Olivo (rolivo at smith.edu)
> ---------
> *Online neuroscience lectures*
> SfN staff who administer Neuronline highlighted the *relevant resources
> from ERIN*. There is no one single place on Neuronline where these
> resources are available, but rather we incorporated them with other
> material. In addition, SfN recommends highlighting the research summaries
> that are done on selected Journal of Neuroscience articles as those are
> written for an undergraduate audience as well (
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/collection/sfn-journals-research-article-summaries).
> - Michael Heintz, SfN
> • Nebcutter 2.0:
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/training/explore-this-erin-teaching-resource
> • A Brief History of the Brain:
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/training/try-this-erin-teaching-tool
> • New Statistics:
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/training/use-this-erin-resource
> • Pathway Quizzes in neuroanatomy:
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/training/a-look-at-erin
> • Connectomics:
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/training/use-this-erin-teaching-tool
> • Theories of Human Learning:
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/training/discover-this-erin-teaching-tool
> • Measuring Membrane Potential:
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/training/explore-this-erin-teaching-tool
> Suggestions from our FUN colleagues:
> *MIT's neuroscience YouTube channel*:
> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEbm7wJ3WiYwXWRxOFb-qUrarRbXF2_Dd
> *Keynote speakers at annual NEURON conference:*
> Search on: http://www.youtube.com/QuinnipiacUniversity
> 2014 Keynote Amelia Eisch Ph.D.:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o9Cf0mpigw
> 2015 Keynote Rajita Sinha Ph.D.:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH7Vr5IXkYg
> 2016 Keynote Nii Addy Ph.D.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aGS6W9nFYI
> 2017 Keynote Susan Masino Ph.D.:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF5CNSkLPHE
> 2018 Keynote John Salamone Ph.D.:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gwn0MV_ntA
> 2019 Keynote Nim Tottenham Ph.D.:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tk6fEkW4rg&feature=youtu.be
> *Collection from the Neuroscience Scholars Program at SfN:*
> https://neuronline.sfn.org/professional-development/nsp-webinars
> *Podcasts from Emory's Center for Mind Brain and Culture *(Emory’s CMBC)
> http://cmbc.emory.edu/connect/podcasts/index.html
> Symposia recordings from the *Center for Academic Research & Training in
> Anthropogeny* (UCSD and Salk CARTA)
> https://carta.anthropogeny.org/symposia/past_list
> Link to an *iBiology description in JUNE:*
> https://www.funjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/JUNE-17-67.pdf?x89760
> iBiology's lectures: https://www.ibiology.org/
> *Nobel Prize Lectures:*
> https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/lists/video-lectures-from-nobel-laureates-in-physiology-or-medicine
> *HHMI BioInteractive* (miscellaneous biology, requires sorting)
> https://www.biointeractive.org/professional-learning/science-talks
> --------------------
> *Online labs for distance learning:*
> A paper that describes *60 Drosophila behaviors*, with links to video:
> https://www.funjournal.org/901-2/
> See the second article, “A protocol demonstrating 60 different Drosophila
> behaviors in one assay” and the associated supplemental links. — Bob
> Wyttenbach
> Website with links to a lot of *animal cams*. Some of them are of puppies
> - but I am currently watching elephants at a watering hole! — Laurie
> Stepanek
> https://explore.org/livecams
> Three different lesson plans for students to interact with the *Allen
> Brain Institute databases*. All of the materials are here:
> https://sites.google.com/ucsd.edu/neuroedu Some of these involve coding
> in Python notebooks, but others do not. I’m actively working on developing
> these labs further for other researchers -- do let me know if you have any
> questions or suggestions. — Ashley Juavinett
> *UCLA* *digital labs* are available for free courtesy of a grant from the
> National Science Foundation. We tried to make these plug-and-play, but you
> may need to create an instructor account to get to some of the
> materials--just contact us for that or with questions. — Bill Grisham
> All materials are at https://mdcune.psych.ucla.edu/
> Module: *Bioinformatics/Neuroinformatics*
> Developed by Dr. Jackson Beatty and Dr. William Grisham
> Image library, student manual, and links to resources to quantify brain
> phenotype and perform a Quantitative Trait Locus analysis linking variation
> in the phenotype with chromosomal loci.
> Module: *Bird Song System * Developed by Dr. William Grisham
> Image library of songbird nuclei—Area X, HVC, and RA—allowing comparisons
> examining sex differences and effects of various doses of estrogen given to
> females in posthatch development.
> Module: *Gel Scramble * Developed by Dr. William Grisham & Dr. James R.
> Boulter
> Unscramble the data and solve the puzzle of the mystery gel.
> Module: *Rat SCIA* (Spinal Cord Image Archive)
> Developed by Dr. William Grisham, Heidi Jones & Sun Hee Park
> Image library of spinal cord motoneurons for analyzing sex differences and
> effects of prenatal antiandrogens on these neurons. Includes a PDF of an
> article describing the use of this image library (Grisham, W., Jones, H.
> B., & Park, S. H. (2003).
> Module: *Fraidy Rat*
> Developed by Dr. Franklin Krasne
> Free and complete software providing experience with anatomical and
> physiological bases of fear-learning in a computer-simulated rat. Student
> manuals also provided. See the Fraidy Rat Module for more information.
> Module: *Structural MRI*
> Developed by Dr. William Grisham
> Quantify the brain and select structures (e.g. amygdalae, hippocampi,
> thalami) in MRI scans of various patients. See the Structural MRI
> Module for more information.
> Module: *Comparative Neuroanatomy*
> Developed by Dr. William Grisham
> Quantify the hippocampus and associated brain region in numerous mammal
> species, and compare volumes by animal order.
> Module: *Swimmy*
> Developed by Dr. Franklin Krasne
> Free and complete software providing experience with neurophysiological
> phenomena and mechanisms of motor pattern generation in virtual neural
> circuits. Student manuals also provided.
> -Runs on Windows and Mac (OS X 10.5.8 or later)-
> --------
> Richard F Olivo, PhD
> Professor of Biological Sciences and Neuroscience, Smith College
> Founding Editor, Educational Resources (ERIN), Society for Neuroscience
> 44 College Lane, Smith College, Northampton MA 01063
> 413 585-3822 • http://tinyurl.com/bio300
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