[FUN_Mail] New P/F Options and Advice for Students Considering Grad School

Korey, Christopher A KoreyC at cofc.edu
Mon Mar 30 11:23:51 EDT 2020

Dar Colleagues,

I hope this finds you all safe and healthy in these unusual times. I am sending this message to gather some advice about how to best advise students considering graduate school in the context of COVID-19 P/F policies for this semester. Our institution has created a policy that will allow students to choose a Pass (A to D-) or No Pass (F and WA – excessive absences) once grades have been posted for the semester. The student will receive course credit toward graduation and major requirements, but the grade is not factored into their GPA.

This is entirely the student’s choice and they can pick and choose individual courses. Faculty will grade their courses as they normally would and post letter grades.  There will also be a transcript notation for this semester highlighting the unusual nature of this semester so that there is a historical record.

I have had several students who are considering graduate school ask me how graduate admissions committees will view the choice to take a Pass rather than the letter grade. For example, a student is likely to earn a C in Cell Biology and is considering taking the Pass.  Should she do this? Will committees take into account the significant disruption to a student’s ability to learn in the current environment?

I would particularly like to hear from faculty that have schools that have PhD programs. Thanks for responding in this generally stressful and overwhelming time.


Christopher Korey, Ph.D.
Professor | Biology Department
Faculty Affiliate | Women’s and Gender Studies
Faculty Fellow | Center for Academic Performance and Persistence

College of Charleston
Office: Room 207 | Rita Hollings
Mailing Address: 66 George Street | Charleston SC 29424
Phone: 843-953-7178<tel:843-953-7178>
Google Scholar Page<https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=9mqSNGcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works>

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