[FUN_Mail] Neuroscience knowledge assessment tool

Herzog, Erik herzog at wustl.edu
Tue May 19 21:15:11 EDT 2020

Dear FUN,

Do you know of a validated tool to assess neuroscience understanding in undergraduates? Specifically, we seek a mechanism to evaluate if a summer research program contributes to reasoning and knowledge in neuroscience.

Thanks for any advice.

Erik Herzog

Erik Herzog               Ph: 314.935.8635
Dept. of Biology       Lab: 314.935.3330
Box 1137                    Fax: 314.935.4432
Washington Univ.    herzog at wustl.edu
St. Louis, MO 63130  https://sites.wustl.edu/herzoglab/

Office: Monsanto 205
Lab: Monsanto 204

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