[FUN_Mail] Reminder - Neuroscience Education Core Concepts Survey

Sonner, Patrick M. patrick.sonner at wright.edu
Thu May 21 19:41:50 EDT 2020

Important reminder! A group of FUN members (Jennifer Schaefer, Audrey Chen Lew, Kimberley Phillips, Kyle Frantz, and Patrick Sonner) seeks your input by asking that you complete a short survey to suggest core concepts in neuroscience education. For further information about the survey, and to contribute suggested neuroscience core concepts, please follow the link:  Neuro Core Concepts<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__uci.co1.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F4PIFtgy358kQnS5&d=DwMGaQ&c=3buyMx9JlH1z22L_G5pM28wz_Ru6WjhVHwo-vpeS0Gk&r=AgbSAPsZD-ZAhjgGy8U0CqXDKSMKRE5nQImcVsq_cqA&m=Bc2LzWbR2jhfWtqca1PvnCf6xXWVh7-3F0OS9AcHH2w&s=YVlX-SYL0gWGhVFi6OPeRglz07mgseQamsbHMA5YDfM&e=>. This announcement and link can also be found at the FUN website news feed: https://www.funfaculty.org/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.funfaculty.org_&d=DwMFaQ&c=3buyMx9JlH1z22L_G5pM28wz_Ru6WjhVHwo-vpeS0Gk&r=AgbSAPsZD-ZAhjgGy8U0CqXDKSMKRE5nQImcVsq_cqA&m=ENbrcjapSUz44XQpPz97OVWpxhrEeBtc9ujiNuFdWQE&s=KqgvFpApo9b9U7pLhD36VdXTvmEk9zr-3koEGQQudA4&e=>. The neuroscience education core concepts survey will remain open until Sunday, May 31st. Thank you if you've already participated, and please complete the survey if you have not yet had a chance to do so!
Patrick Sonner

Patrick Sonner, PhD
Instructor and Director of the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program
Dept. of Neuroscience, Cell Biology, & Physiology
Wright State University
105D White Hall
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton, OH 45435
Phone: (937)-775-3212
Email: patrick.sonner at wright.edu<mailto:patrick.sonner at wright.edu>

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