[FUN_Mail] Neuroscience Program Curriculum question

Judith Ogilvie judith.ogilvie at slu.edu
Sat May 23 17:12:47 EDT 2020

Our two-semester Intro to Neuro sequence has prerequisites that push it off until the sophomore year and we are interested in developing a 1CR course that would help bring our majors together in their freshman year and decide if this is the right major for them, probably include career information, etc.

Do any of you have a similar course and would you be willing to share your syllabus, what works well for you, what hasn't worked?
Thanks in advance,
-Judy Ogilvie

Judith Mosinger Ogilvie, Ph.D., FARVO
Associate Professor of Biology

Co-Director, Neuroscience Program

Saint Louis University

email:      judith.ogilvie at slu.edu<mailto:ogilviej at slu.edu>

website:  https://judithogilvie.wixsite.com/mysite


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