[FUN_Mail] FW: Neuroscience Program Curriculum question
Calin-Jageman, Robert
rcalinjageman at dom.edu
Mon May 25 23:57:58 EDT 2020
>From Samantha Gizerian. Please reply back to Sam directly (samantha.gizerian at wsu.edu<mailto:samantha.gizerian at wsu.edu>) or to the whole group by replying to fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>
From: Gizerian, Samantha <samantha.gizerian at wsu.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2020 12:30 PM
To: Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>
Subject: RE: [FUN_Mail] Neuroscience Program Curriculum question
Hi Judy,
Until last year we had a 1 credit, research-based freshman neuroscience seminar, in which faculty would come and give a talk about their research at a basic level. Students had weekly writing assignments, and no exams. It was ok, but a lot of students were not very engaged, and many faculty were not good at making their work accessible. Don't get me wrong, we taught this class for more than a decade, and it served our purpose, but in the end, it wasn't everything we needed it to be. I can send you the syllabi and assignments when I get back to my computer tomorrow or later today, hopefully it can help.
To address the lack of engagement, last year I created a new freshman level class called "Meet your Brain" that is intended for freshmen Neuro majors and meets our biological sciences distribution requirement for other students. It is a three credit class, but perhaps you could pull some pieces out of it, too.
The class is broken up into units titled "Your Brain on..." such as "Your Brain on Sleep", "Your Brain on Books", and of course, "Your Brain on Drugs", etc. The majority of the grade was from low stakes weekly quizzes. The unit structure worked well, as did allowing the students to choose the final unit (they chose Neuroethics).
There was also a scaffolded semester long project around creating a PSA, which turned out awesome, and we had a PSA premiere "party" in the second half of the class final period.
I'll email you the syllabi for both once I get back to my computer.
If anyone else would like to see either syllabus, or both, please let me know, happy to share.
Samantha S Gizerian, PhD
Associate Professor
Associate Director for Undergraduate Studies
Dept. of Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience
College of Veterinary Medicine
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-7620<tel:99164-7620>
samantha.gizerian at wsu.edu<mailto:samantha.gizerian at wsu.edu>
WSU STUDENTS PLEASE NOTE: Per WSU policy, I am only able to respond to emails sent from your official WSU email address. I will not be able to respond to emails sent from your personal email address as of the first day of your first semester as a WSU student.
-------- Original message --------
From: Judith Ogilvie <judith.ogilvie at slu.edu<mailto:judith.ogilvie at slu.edu>>
Date: 5/23/20 2:13 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org<mailto:fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>
Subject: [FUN_Mail] Neuroscience Program Curriculum question
Our two-semester Intro to Neuro sequence has prerequisites that push it off until the sophomore year and we are interested in developing a 1CR course that would help bring our majors together in their freshman year and decide if this is the right major for them, probably include career information, etc.
Do any of you have a similar course and would you be willing to share your syllabus, what works well for you, what hasn't worked?
Thanks in advance,
-Judy Ogilvie
Judith Mosinger Ogilvie, Ph.D., FARVO
Associate Professor of Biology
Co-Director, Neuroscience Program
Saint Louis University
email: judith.ogilvie at slu.edu<mailto:ogilviej at slu.edu>
website: https://judithogilvie.wixsite.com/mysite<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/judithogilvie.wixsite.com/mysite__;!!JmPEgBY0HMszNaDT!7SZRZhttJCMK7KzlKbX9GFEaAhzI8rlFf2XIbIf7ilhBnpM_4MdD5pKoX9P3fgTViSa_PQ$>
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