[FUN_Mail] "Defining cell types by their electrophysiology" webinar tomorrow!

Ashley L Juavinett ajuavinett at ucsd.edu
Wed Nov 11 12:40:54 EST 2020

Hello all!

Hope you’re well. Just a quick reminder that tomorrow at 10:30 am PST I’ll be giving a webinar about a lesson plan to simultaneously teach your students about electrophysiology and coding while looking at real data from the Allen Institute. Registration link below!

Webinar: https://alleninstitute.org/about/education-outreach/virtual-science-lab-webinars/#upcoming

Lesson plan: https://sites.google.com/ucsd.edu/neuroedu/cell-types

Interactive Jupyter notebook that we’ll work through tomorrow: https://colab.research.google.com/github/ajuavinett/CellTypesLesson

This webinar will also be recorded and we'll send around the recording once it is available. :) Please also feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns about this lesson plan, or any of other lessons in the link above!


- - -
Ashley Juavinett, Ph.D.
Assistant Teaching Professor
BS/MS Program Director
Neurobiology Faculty Advisor
UC San Diego Division of Biological Sciences
Neurobiology Section
(858) 534-5878, York 4070C, Mail Code 0355
Pronouns: she/her

[cid:3A149EF8-C4B5-4D9D-8B08-03E60CDC9AF4] So You Want to Be a Neuroscientist? (Columbia University Press<https://cup.columbia.edu/book/so-you-want-to-be-a-neuroscientist/9780231190893>) available now!

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