[FUN_Mail] FW: 8th Annual Neuroscience Symposium at Kent State University: A Celebration of Brain Health Research

Amy Jo Stavnezer AJStavnezer at wooster.edu
Mon Sep 21 14:38:37 EDT 2020

Good afternoon all,
I am sharing a post for an upcoming virtual Neuro conference that you or your students might be interested in attending.  As Kent State is only 45 minutes from Wooster, I have bused my students to this symposium for the last several years, with very positive results.  This year the format is very different, with many different topics and short (15-min) talks, rather than one theme and 5 or 6, hour long addresses – which, I think might increase the impact on undergrads.

There is also an opportunity for students to get some PD on scientific rigor and careers beyond the bench, and/or to submit their own research for a poster presentation (by Monday the 28th).

Hope some of you choose to attend and share it with your students.

I hope you are all well and having as good a semester as Fall 2020 can offer you,
Amy Jo

From: Kent State University <brainhealth at kent.edu>
Subject: 8th Annual Neuroscience Symposium at Kent State University: A Celebration of Brain Health Research



Kent State University's
Brain Health Research Institute
cordially invites you to participate in

The 8th Annual Neuroscience Symposium
 A Celebration of Brain Health Research

Pre-symposium Workshops
Oct. 7, 2020
4 - 6:30 p.m.

Oct. 8-9, 2020
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Highlights of this year's virtual webinar event include:

Twelve scientific sessions with speakers covering a wide range of topics
ranging from the neuroscience of creative activities
to stress and brain health to neurodegeneration

Sessions devoted to trainee presentations

Professional and student-focused career workshops

Opportunities to engage with BHRI's scientific community

Visit our website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gxY4cMgRFlyn32F4hStSnxtTJcm4GB25kU7R-cNC1-ZvY0as6prxnJ2gawVDrpX7kw1dTZvWiGydeXj_YM3bpZyJqEYCCb8WvNDCecbVb_1HPr9X21G2K75iUFaPoBjJaqwrnAPipq1f7RAOmr2rMgm9Lyw7rcf2M9UGbaI2R9x2tZgUQ0WK01uU-7QcATixYRpZmw4UUMi7kQI3rDF0o4uMaFfbyV_tknA8mzhyQ34=&c=hl22bFRI2zYXWjiJ0azRYzGLZFvMUgE-mSBS5zHH8EhNcSv2Ld_kIw==&ch=ko5pOmt-rVI4l_mVTlNhYpPrHNuv0LMgM4rUGakiF2JGl2ycLxIgwA==> for additional event information,
including featured speakers and a detailed symposium schedule.

Register to participate today!<http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/regform?oeidk=a07ehabxygad9058260&c=588aec24-f926-11ea-82f0-d4ae52843d28&ch=58a77b6e-f926-11ea-82f0-d4ae52843d28>

If you are interested in supporting our student-focused programming and research, please consider making a financial contribution @ Support Brain Health<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gxY4cMgRFlyn32F4hStSnxtTJcm4GB25kU7R-cNC1-ZvY0as6prxnJ2gawVDrpX7PhFWCBd0yjb5uqtc0DQUKGoH3kdJu1nL6k8VEd6aVax_cphrB8hjR7uteWKRHP8umqURcZfgNC--PhAl9uOX8doFbHPuO9H42z9B9IUEORIr-tDs4JPqn1Z01JKCB1zh&c=hl22bFRI2zYXWjiJ0azRYzGLZFvMUgE-mSBS5zHH8EhNcSv2Ld_kIw==&ch=ko5pOmt-rVI4l_mVTlNhYpPrHNuv0LMgM4rUGakiF2JGl2ycLxIgwA==>.

Kent State University, PO Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242
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