[FUN_Mail] REMINDER: NURVS deadline is October 10

Ronald J Bayline rjbayline at washjeff.edu
Wed Sep 30 10:31:36 EDT 2020

Hello FUN colleagues,

I would like to remind you that your students can submit an abstract and video presentation (described below) for the FUN Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Virtual Symposium (NURVS<http://www.funfaculty.org/nurvs>), a virtual symposium that will occur on Sunday, October 25th starting at 2 PM Eastern Time using the Zoom videoconferencing platform.  There is no cost to attend the symposium, however all attendees must register for the symposium to access the virtual sessions.  All undergraduate students must have sponsors who are dues-paying members of FUN. Students and sponsors are encouraged to attend the virtual symposium.  First authors of undergraduate video presentations will also need to complete the abstract and poster submission process.

This virtual event is being held in lieu of the FUN Poster Session that typically occurs during the Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting.

Symposium Date:  Sunday, October 25, 2020 starting at 2 PM Eastern Time

Symposium Format:  Two-hour virtual sessions that focus on research across subfields of Neuroscience will occur concurrently throughout the symposium.  Each presentation will be allotted 15 minutes for a total of eight presentations in each 2-hour session.  During each session, the host will present a prerecorded video (7-8 min in length) that is immediately followed by a live audience-generated question and answer session (6-7 min in length).  This blended presentation format was selected to minimize technical difficulties while also providing undergraduate presenters with the opportunity to interact with a live audience.  Audience members are encouraged to use the Chat function in Zoom to submit their questions to the session host.  To ensure lively and successful sessions, it is anticipated that each presenter will attend their 2-hour session in its entirety.  We seek FUN members to volunteer as session hosts.

Presentation Format: Submit an abstract (300-word maximum) and a 7 to 8-minute pre-recorded video (mp4 or avi format) of your research.

Abstract and video submission window: September 13, 2020 - October 10, 2020 (8pm ET).  Details to be announced later.


1.  All undergraduate students including those who graduated in 2020 are eligible to present.
2.  Sponsors must be dues-paying members in good standing and are encouraged to attend the virtual meeting.
3.  Each FUN member may sponsor one presentation and Institutional members may also sponsor one presentation.

If you have any questions, please contact president at funfaculty.org<mailto:president at funfaculty.org> for more information.

We look forward to seeing all of you on October 25th!


NURVS program committee:
Ron Bayline
Hewlet McFarlane
Kurt Illig
Mary Morrison
Gerald Griffin
Siobhan Robinson

Ronald J. Bayline (he/him/his)
Professor, Biology Department
Highmark Professor in the Health Sciences
Washington & Jefferson College
60 South Lincoln Street
Washington, PA 15301
ph: (724) 250-3406
fx:  (724) 228-3802
email:  rjbayline at washjeff.edu<mailto:rjbayline at washjeff.edu>

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