[FUN_Mail] FUN Mentoring Network
Bruce Raymond Johnson
brj1 at cornell.edu
Sat Aug 7 15:04:03 UTC 2021
Hi everyone,
I agree with Elaine. Can we make some online accommodation for mentoring resources for people who can't attend the conference? My planned SfN roommate just cancelled for covid health reasons and I'm hesitant to attend now too depending on how covid plays out in the next few months. The present plan also rules out people with limited resources, like Elaine said, perhaps even more than usual now.
Bruce R. Johnson, Ph.D.
Dept of Neurobiology and Behavior
Mudd Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office: 1134 Comstock Hall; Ph: 607-592-9184
From: FUN_Mail <fun_mail-bounces at lists.funfaculty.org> on behalf of Elaine Reynolds <reynolde at lafayette.edu>
Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 9:58 AM
To: Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Mailing List <fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org>
Subject: Re: [FUN_Mail] FUN Mentoring Network
I am concerned about the requirement to attend the Chicago meeting in person given the current crisis with the pandemic and the Delta variant. By doing this I feel you are excluding people who might not be able to attend the in person conference for various reasons. Besides health concerns, I think you will restrict mentorship from populations that cannot attend the conference because their school doesn't support travel. Many adjuncts/visitors etc are not offered that opportunity. So I would ask that you reconsider this requirement. I am personally waiting to make this decision at the last minute because of my own concerns about health, even though I have submitted a poster. I expect others may feel the same way.
On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 9:00 AM Illig, Kurt R. <illi8559 at stthomas.edu<mailto:illi8559 at stthomas.edu>> wrote:
Dear FUN members-
We are pleased to announce the launch of the FUN Mentoring Network. This is a program to support faculty who engage undergraduates in neuroscience classrooms and laboratories at all levels, in a diversity of careers and institutions. We encourage applications from all FUN members, including those from all institutional and ethnic backgrounds. Members holding tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure-track, part-time, adjunct, non-academic, and other positions are invited to apply to become mentors and mentees. Click this link to apply by August 14, 2021<https://stthomas.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3yJQuPlTk8sUo0S>.
Modeled after other successful mentoring networks, the program uses a coaching model to help participants develop skills for a variety of careers within and outside academia. Mentors will be trained to help mentees develop skills to succeed in their careers and in their personal lives, and host discussions about experiences and pressures, including those faced by groups underrepresented in the sciences. Mentees will benefit from the guidance and shared experience of their mentors and peers within the mentoring network.
The 2021 FUN Mentoring Program is a year-long program, which will include an in-person, one-day training session in Chicago, on Nov. 12th, 2021 (one day before the in-person SfN meeting). In appreciation of their time and effort, mentors will be offered up to $200 to cover an additional night of lodging. After the orientation session, faculty will become part of a small coaching group with an assigned mentor. Mentors are expected to meet monthly to discuss a topic such as networking, communicating science, self-promotion, skills for job searches, wellness and resilience, and other topics frequently identified as important to professional growth. Group meetings will include opportunities to talk about any questions, issues, or concerns that faculty are experiencing in their own professional path.
Kurt R. Illig, PhD
Professor of Biology and Neuroscience
University of St. Thomas | stthomas.edu<https://www.stthomas.edu/>
Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience | funfaculty.org<https://www.funfaculty.org>
krillig at stthomas.edu<mailto:krillig at stthomas.edu>
(651) 962-5273
[University of St. Thomas : All for the Common Good]<https://www.stthomas.edu/e>
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Elaine R. Reynolds
Professor of Biology and Neuroscience
Chair of Aging Studies
Lafayette College
746 High Street
318 Rockwell Integrated Sciences Center (RISC)
Easton, PA 18042
(610) 330-5654
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