[FUN_Mail] FUN Final Fridays – Save the Date

Amy Jo Stavnezer AJStavnezer at wooster.edu
Fri Jul 16 17:15:13 UTC 2021

Hello FUN members,

Remember how excited you were to log into the Summer Virtual Meeting (SVM) just one year ago? Remember how invigorated you felt after seeing your FUN friends, learning from each other, swapping ideas, laughing together, and not feeling so far apart for those few short days?

We are eager to recreate a little part of that excitement with a regular series of FUN Final Friday gatherings, beginning July 30th, 4-5pm EST – the 1st anniversary of the SVM!

Mark your calendar – and please register here: https://davidson.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEvce2vqT4tE9yeAc4VC1ibaSAKl3Ov00vW

We will be excited to get together in person again someday as well, but for now we can meet the interest of having pedagogical meetings more frequently because the SVM showed us this format can work successfully. In the July meeting, you will help us create a list of topics for our monthly gatherings – so get those gears turning now and bring your great ideas with you. Please make sure you update to the newest version of Zoom so you can participate fully.

Looking forward to seeing you July 30th to get a monthly FUN series off the ground.

Jason Chan, David Donley, Barbara Lom, and Amy Jo Stavnezer

P.S.: For the planners out there, here are our dates for the rest of this academic year: August 27, September 24, October 29, January 28, 2022, February 25, March 25, April 29, June 24.

Amy Jo Stavnezer, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology
College of Wooster
Member, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience<http://funfaculty.org/>
Editorial Board, Journal for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education<http://funjournal.org/>
This email was sent at a time convenient for me.  Please do not feel any need to respond until your regular working hours.
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