[FUN_Mail] Epifluorescent teaching microscopes

Tamara Stawicki stawickt at lafayette.edu
Thu Jul 22 19:34:50 UTC 2021

I have a couple accuscope EXC-350’s (https://accu-scope.com/accuscope-microscopes/by-series/exc-350/exc-350-trinocular-microscope-with-plan-objectives-integrated-led-fluorescence.html <https://accu-scope.com/accuscope-microscopes/by-series/exc-350/exc-350-trinocular-microscope-with-plan-objectives-integrated-led-fluorescence.html>) that I have been very happy with. I have one with 2 color fluorescence that was a little over $6,000 and one with just one color fluorescence that was $4,000 (pricing was from January 2019 so it might have gone up since then). I got them from Ludesco located in Maryland and they actually brought one out for me to demo before I made the purchase but their website isn’t working so I’m not sure if they are still in business. I use them for zebrafish larvae not cell culture, but for what I’m doing (mostly cell counts and looking for fluorescence) I find them comparable if not better than considerably more expensive scopes I’ve worked with. Along those lines I find for my stained fish the signal is bright enough that I don’t need to use them in the dark. 

Tamara Stawicki
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience
Lafayette College
309A Oechsle Hall
(610) 330-5287

> On Jul 22, 2021, at 2:29 PM, Matthew Kittelberger <mkittelb at gettysburg.edu> wrote:
> Hi everyone-
> I’m looking for ideas and reviews of decent, but not super-expensive, epifluorescent microscopes for an undergrad cell biology teaching lab.  Something that can be used for live imaging of subcellular structures.  Since they’re for a teaching lab, we’ll probably ultimately need up to 4 of these, and the Nikon and Zeiss systems I’m used to using for research purposes are probably too expensive.  There are some self-contained systems from companies like Keyence and EVOS (by Fisher) that are potentially interesting, and don’t require a dark room.  But I’ve heard from some folks that they are more or less just glorified plate readers, which wouldn’t meet our needs.  Does anyone have experience working with such systems, and can give me some feedback on that experience?  Or does anyone have other suggestions for decent quality systems that won’t break the bank?  Thanks so much, Matt Kittelberger
> J. Matthew Kittelberger, PhD
> Chair, Dept. of Biology
> Associate Professor
> Department of Biology and Programs in Neuroscience and in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
> Gettysburg College
> Gettysburg, PA 17325
> ph. 717.337.6260
> mkittelb at gettysburg.edu
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