[FUN_Mail] Last Call CRAWFLY VIrtual

Bruce Raymond Johnson brj1 at cornell.edu
Sun Jun 6 18:11:03 UTC 2021

Dear FUN friends,

Last Call!

The Summer 2021 CrawFly Workshop, sponsored by ADInstruments, will be virtual and  run Wednesday, June 9 through Sunday, June 13.

This virtual workshop will be part-day and thus more assessable to educators with responsibilities that prohibit travel to, and time spent in a full in-person CrawFly workshop.  We plan to transition future CrawFly workshops back to in-person sessions.

Highlights include Do-It-Yourself (DIY) sessions to make inexpensive optogenetic light sources, micromanipulators and a fluorescence imaging microscope.  We’ll report our first efforts this Spring to teach undergraduate students in two Cornell lab classes to build an imaging microscope and accomplish simple, live calcium imaging exercises, with student feedback from a Spring 2021 semester trial in two lab class .

The site announcement and registration with more detailed information for this neuroscience educator workshop is: [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crawfly-virtual-invertebrate-neurophysiology-workshop-tickets-146792872433].

The workshop is taught by the CrawFly Faculty: Jim Ryan (Hobart-William Smith Colleges), Ron Hoy, David Deitcher and me (Cornell University), Ilya Vilinsky (University of Cincinnati), Karen Hibbard (HHMI at Janelia Research Campus), Bob Wyttenbach (Emory University) and ADInstruments educators lead by Emily Pease.   We’ll present CrawFly lab exercises to teach fundamental principles of signal transmission in the nervous system, tutorials on the use of LabChart software for acquisition and analysis of electrophysiological and behavioral data, and for control of electrical and opto-genetic nerve stimulation.   DIY sessions include making high quality micromanipulators and optogenetic light boxes and construction and use of an inexpensive, DIY fluorescence microscope for teaching and research.  In other sessions we’ll brainstorm best practices in laboratory and classroom teaching, including virtual instruction, and interdisciplinary training for students and educators for big data neuroscience.

Contact Emily Pease (e.pease at adinstruments.com<mailto:e.pease at adinstruments.com>) or me (brj1 at cornell.edu<mailto:brj1 at cornell.edu>) with any questions.



Bruce R. Johnson, Ph.D.
Dept of  Neurobiology and Behavior
Mudd Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Office: 1134 Comstock Hall; Ph: 607-592-9184
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