[FUN_Mail] Contribute to the FUN newsletter!

SARAH E. HOLSTEIN holstein at lycoming.edu
Fri Jun 25 12:54:53 UTC 2021

Contribute to the FUN newsletter!

Greetings FUN membership! I write to you today asking our members to consider writing a piece for our FUN newsletter. The FUN newsletter serves as a showcase for the ideas and achievements of the FUN membership. By publishing a piece in the newsletter, you’ll be helping to catalyze the FUN community.

The newsletter is open to a wide variety of article-formats:

  *   Editorial– an opinion piece on an issue or topic relevant to the advancement of FUN’s mission.

  *   I wish I’d known then – advice you wish you’d been given related to teaching neuroscience, career development, managing research or other topics relevant to FUN membership

  *   Resource Pointers/Reviews– summary and review of a teaching resource you find useful (book, article, video, website, etc.). This is a particularly important avenue to share new strategies that you’ve incorporated into your teaching as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  *   Ask FUN– a question on which you seek feedback from the FUN community (e.g. grading dilemma, managing work-life balance, etc.)

  *   People/Places/Milestones let us know about promotions, new hires, special activities with students, etc. - get the extra kudos you deserve!

  *   Announcements / Events / Workshops / Conferences / Summer Research Fellowships

  *   And more...–other submitted articles directly relevant to FUN membership are encouraged!

With our new FUN website, newsletter pieces will be posted and shared as they come in (no delay in waiting for the newsletter to come out), and then newsletter pieces will be compiled together into one shareable and archivable site for the membership at large.

If you are interested in contributing, please simply email your piece to newsletter at funfaculty.org<mailto:newsletter at funfaculty.org> or directly to the FUN newsletter committee chair, Sarah Holstein (holstein at lycoming.edu<mailto:holstein at lycoming.edu>).

The deadline for the upcoming issue is Wednesday September 1st.

Have an idea but not sure if it is right for the newsletter?  Just email the FUN newsletter committee chair, Sarah Holstein at holstein at lycoming.edu<mailto:holstein at lycoming.edu> or newsletter at funfaculty.org<mailto:newsletter at funfaculty.org> to inquire.

All submissions are governed by the newsletter editorial policy: http://www.funfaculty.org/drupal/Newsletter_Editorial_Policy

We hope you’ll consider contributing,

Sarah Holstein
FUN Newsletter Editor,

Sarah E. Holstein, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor of Psychology
Office: 570.321.4346 I Email: holstein at lycoming.edu

To set up an appointment, please visit https://calendly.com/dr_holstein


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