[FUN_Mail] FW: Neuroscience Teaching Conference to be help virtually July 22-23 2021

Calin-Jageman, Robert rcalinjageman at dom.edu
Wed May 19 15:45:00 UTC 2021

FUN folks,
Here is an email from Melissa Maffeo and Christina Ragan.  Please reply back directly to Meliisa and/or Christina with inquires.  Maffeo, Melissa masicaml at wfu.edu<mailto:masicaml at wfu.edu>  Ragan, Christina cragan8 at gatech.edu<mailto:cragan8 at gatech.edu>


From: Maffeo, Melissa <masicaml at wfu.edu>
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 2:04 PM
To: fun_mail at lists.funfaculty.org
Cc: Ragan, Christina <cragan8 at gatech.edu>
Subject: Neuroscience Teaching Conference to be help virtually July 22-23 2021

Dear friends and colleagues,

We're thrilled to announce the Call for Proposals for the inaugural Neuroscience Teaching Conference, to be held virtually on July 22-23rd, 2021, and registration is FREE. This conference will feature keynote addresses by Dr. Alexia Pollack (UMass Boston) and Dr. Amy Overman (Elon University), and a featured workshop by Dr. Anita McCauley (Wake Forest University). Programming will include a virtual poster session, round "table" discussions, a 5-minute chalk talk or teaching demo, and 20- or 30- minute talks.

Proposal submissions are due by May 30th and presenters will be notified of their acceptance by June 15th. Registration will open shortly after.

Submission guidelines and other information can be found on our website: https://masicaml.sites.wfu.edu/neuroscienceteachingconference/

Any questions can be directed to conference Co-Directors, Melissa Maffeo (masicaml at wfu.edu<mailto:masicaml at wfu.edu>) and Christina Ragan (cragan8 at gatech.edu<mailto:cragan8 at gatech.edu>).

Please share far and wide!


Melissa and Christina

Melissa Maffeo, PhD
Coordinator of Marketing and Recruitment,
Society for the Teaching of Psychology's Annual Conference on Teaching
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Psychology
Wake Forest University
Zoom Meeting Room: https://wakeforest-university.zoom.us/j/7607223948

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