[FUN_Mail] Create a more inclusive syllabus for Spring 2023
Amy Jo Stavnezer
AJStavnezer at wooster.edu
Tue Nov 22 17:04:15 UTC 2022
Before you all signoff on email for the Thanksgiving break – we wanted to get one reminder out to you…
Would you like to build a more inclusive syllabus for your spring courses. Make sure that you are actually conveying the messages that you intend?
Join us on Friday, December 9th at 4 pm (EST) when we will be joined by Monica Linden (Brown University) and Sara Brownell (Arizona State University) who will share their expert knowledge to help us create more inclusive syllabi. Here is a reading from each speaker if you want to prime the pump: Diversity and Inclusion: Put it in the syllabus<https://web.archive.org/web/20220106081222/https:/tomprof.stanford.edu/posting/1625>, It’s in the syllabus… or is it?<https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/advan.00119.2020>. Bring your current syllabus so you can compare and revise!
Register Here<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMocOGgrzIpGdIfCLqnd_-A0LDZXXDWAsyr> – December 9th, 4 pm (EST)
Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!
Your FUN Final Friday Team,
Amy Jo Stavnezer, Barbara Lom, David Donley, Shannon Eaton
Amy Jo Stavnezer, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology
College of Wooster
Member, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience<http://funfaculty.org/>
Editorial Board, Journal for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education<http://funjournal.org/>
This email was sent at a time convenient for me. Please do not feel any need to respond until your regular working hours.
-------------- next part --------------
Before you all signoff on email for the Thanksgiving break – we wanted
to get one reminder out to you…
Would you like to build a more inclusive syllabus for your spring
courses. Make sure that you are actually conveying the messages that
you intend?
Join us on Friday, December 9^th at 4 pm (EST) when we will be joined
by Monica Linden (Brown University) and Sara Brownell (Arizona State
University) who will share their expert knowledge to help us create
more inclusive syllabi. Here is a reading from each speaker if you
want to prime the pump: [1]Diversity and Inclusion: Put it in the
syllabus, [2]It’s in the syllabus… or is it?. Bring your current
syllabus so you can compare and revise!
[3]Register Here – December 9^th, 4 pm (EST)
Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!
Your FUN Final Friday Team,
Amy Jo Stavnezer, Barbara Lom, David Donley, Shannon Eaton
Amy Jo Stavnezer, PhD
Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology
College of Wooster
Member, [4]Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
Editorial Board, [5]Journal for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education
This email was sent at a time convenient for me. Please do not feel
any need to respond until your regular working hours.
1. https://web.archive.org/web/20220106081222/https:/tomprof.stanford.edu/posting/1625
2. https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/advan.00119.2020
3. https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMocOGgrzIpGdIfCLqnd_-A0LDZXXDWAsyr
4. http://funfaculty.org/
5. http://funjournal.org/
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