[FUN_Mail] Still want more on Generative AI?
Amy Jo Stavnezer
AJStavnezer at wooster.edu
Mon Aug 21 16:04:55 UTC 2023
The Consortium for Teaching and Learning through the Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA) is hosting a presentation this Thursday. Please see below and follow their link to register this is not a FUN organized event:
CTL Webinar: Thursday, August 24 (12:00 PM ET)
You are invited to an upcoming GLCA CTL presentation: The Rise of Generative AI: Implications and Innovations for Education
Do you have a strategy for addressing generative AI in your classes this fall? Whether you plan to avoid it, are eager to have students use it, or somewhere in between, it is critical to have open and frank discussions with your students.
Please join us on Thursday, August 24, at 12:00 PM EDT for the presentation The Rise of Generative AI: Implications and Innovations for Education, by Lew Ludwig, Co-Director of GLCA/GLAA Consortium for Teaching and Learning. In this presentation we will:
1. Tackle questions about AI posed by attendees during registration.
2. Offer actionable strategies for discussing generative AI with your students.
3. Showcase practical AI applications that faculty can integrate to enhance teaching and familiarize themselves with this emerging technology.
Please register here<https://forms.gle/s3tAUmtWrxGgFq75A> to attend this event. Note, the session will be recorded for later distribution. Only registered participants will be granted access to the recording. Registered attendees will receive a link to attend via email the day before the event.
More articles
A.I. and Higher Ed
Youve Checked Out the New AI Tools. Now What?<https://www.chronicle.com/article/youve-checked-out-the-new-ai-tools-now-what?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_7517700_nl_Afternoon-Update_date_20230817&cid=pm&source=ams&sourceid=> (Michelle D. Miller, Chronicle of Higher Education, August 17, 2023): Three steps to help you envision the role of ChatGPT first in your academic discipline and then in your classroom.
A ChatGPT Teaching Experiment<https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/just-visiting/2023/08/16/chatgpt-teaching-experiment?utm_source=Inside+Higher+Ed&utm_campaign=7cae0dd2c1-DNU_2021_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcbc04421-7cae0dd2c1-198520633&mc_cid=7cae0dd2c1&mc_eid=db90bf87ba> (John Warner, Inside Higher Ed, August 16, 2023): Start with your core pedagogical values when it comes to incorporating ChatGPT.
Why Arent We Asking Questions of AI?<https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/views/2023/08/16/what-will-ai-do-question-based-inquiry-opinion?utm_source=Inside+Higher+Ed&utm_campaign=7cae0dd2c1-DNU_2021_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcbc04421-7cae0dd2c1-198520633&mc_cid=7cae0dd2c1&mc_eid=db90bf87ba> (Sean Ross Meehan, Inside Higher Ed, August 16, 2023): As students and professors grow more skilled at commanding chatbots to produce the outputs they want, the author wonders what this will mean for question-based inquiry.
Paper Exams, Chatbot Bans: Colleges Seek to ChatGPT-Proof Assignments<https://apnews.com/article/chatgpt-cheating-ai-college-1b654b44de2d0dfa4e50bf0186137fc1?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue:%202023-08-14%20Higher%20Ed%20Dive%20%5Bissue:53523%5D&utm_term=Higher%20Ed%20Dive> (Jocelyn Gecker, AP, August 10, 2023): Educators say they want to embrace the technologys potential to teach and learn in new ways<https://apnews.com/article/chatgpt-ai-use-school-essay-7bc171932ff9b994e04f6eaefc09319f>, but when it comes to assessing students, they see a need to ChatGPT-proof test questions and assignments.
AI Causes Real Harm. Lets Focus on That over the End-of-Humanity Hype<https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/we-need-to-focus-on-ais-real-harms-not-imaginary-existential-risks/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=week-in-science&utm_content=link&utm_term=2023-08-18_top-stories> (Emily Bender, Scientific American): Effective regulation of AI needs grounded science that investigates real harms, not glorified press releases about existential risks.
Amy Jo Stavnezer
Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology<https://amyjostavnezer.voices.wooster.edu/>
College of Wooster
Member, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience<https://www.funfaculty.org/>
Editorial Board, Journal for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education <http://www.funjournal.org/>
-------------- next part --------------
The Consortium for Teaching and Learning through the Great Lakes
Colleges Association (GLCA) is hosting a presentation this Thursday.
Please see below and follow their link to register â this is not a FUN
organized event:
CTL Webinar: Thursday, August 24 (12:00 PM ET)
You are invited to an upcoming GLCA CTL presentation: The Rise of
Generative AI: Implications and Innovations for Education
Do you have a strategy for addressing generative AI in your classes
this fall? Whether you plan to avoid it, are eager to have students use
it, or somewhere in between, it is critical to have open and frank
discussions with your students.
Please join us on Thursday, August 24, at 12:00 PM EDT for the
presentation The Rise of Generative AI: Implications and Innovations
for Education, by Lew Ludwig, Co-Director of GLCA/GLAA Consortium for
Teaching and Learning. In this presentation we will:
1. Tackle questions about AI posed by attendees during registration.
2. Offer actionable strategies for discussing generative AI with your
3. Showcase practical AI applications that faculty can integrate to
enhance teaching and familiarize themselves with this emerging
Please [1]register here to attend this event. Note, the session will be
recorded for later distribution. Only registered participants will be
granted access to the recording. Registered attendees will receive a
link to attend via email the day before the event.
More articles
A.I. and Higher Ed
[2]Youâve Checked Out the New AI Tools. Now What? (Michelle D. Miller,
Chronicle of Higher Education, August 17, 2023): Three steps to help
you envision the role of ChatGPT â first in your academic discipline
and then in your classroom.
[3]A ChatGPT Teaching Experiment (John Warner, Inside Higher Ed, August
16, 2023): Start with your core pedagogical values when it comes to
incorporating ChatGPT.
[4]Why Arenât We Asking Questions of AI? (Sean Ross Meehan, Inside
Higher Ed, August 16, 2023): As students and professors grow more
skilled at commanding chatbots to produce the outputs they want, the
author wonders what this will mean for question-based inquiry.
[5]Paper Exams, Chatbot Bans: Colleges Seek to âChatGPT-Proofâ
Assignments (Jocelyn Gecker, AP, August 10, 2023): Educators say they
want to embrace the [6]technologyâs potential to teach and learn in new
ways, but when it comes to assessing students, they see a need to
âChatGPT-proofâ test questions and assignments.
[7]AI Causes Real Harm. Letâs Focus on That over the End-of-Humanity
Hype (Emily Bender, Scientific American): Effective regulation of AI
needs grounded science that investigates real harms, not glorified
press releases about existential risks.
Amy Jo Stavnezer
[8]Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology
College of Wooster
Member, [9]Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
Editorial Board, [10]Journal for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education
1. https://forms.gle/s3tAUmtWrxGgFq75A
2. https://www.chronicle.com/article/youve-checked-out-the-new-ai-tools-now-what?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_7517700_nl_Afternoon-Update_date_20230817&cid=pm&source=ams&sourceid=
3. https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/just-visiting/2023/08/16/chatgpt-teaching-experiment?utm_source=Inside+Higher+Ed&utm_campaign=7cae0dd2c1-DNU_2021_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcbc04421-7cae0dd2c1-198520633&mc_cid=7cae0dd2c1&mc_eid=db90bf87ba
4. https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/views/2023/08/16/what-will-ai-do-question-based-inquiry-opinion?utm_source=Inside+Higher+Ed&utm_campaign=7cae0dd2c1-DNU_2021_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcbc04421-7cae0dd2c1-198520633&mc_cid=7cae0dd2c1&mc_eid=db90bf87ba
5. https://apnews.com/article/chatgpt-cheating-ai-college-1b654b44de2d0dfa4e50bf0186137fc1?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue: 2023-08-14 Higher Ed Dive [issue:53523]&utm_term=Higher Ed Dive
6. https://apnews.com/article/chatgpt-ai-use-school-essay-7bc171932ff9b994e04f6eaefc09319f
7. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/we-need-to-focus-on-ais-real-harms-not-imaginary-existential-risks/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=week-in-science&utm_content=link&utm_term=2023-08-18_top-stories
8. https://amyjostavnezer.voices.wooster.edu/
9. https://www.funfaculty.org/
10. http://www.funjournal.org/
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